From Tradition to Innovation.

Sysco Knows Italian – Food is our specialty.  Pizza is our passion.

Together let’s craft one great pizza at a time, with Core 4 ingredients from brands you trust and love.

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Explore Our Core Four Ingredients
to Craft Your Perfect Pizza 

Flour provides the structure in the dough. The gluten-forming proteins in the flour allowing the dough to rise during fermentation (extensibility) and maintain its volume and shape during and after baking (elasticity)

  • Higher protein will make firmer, stronger dough
  • Lower protein will make softer dough

Because flour plays the leading role in dough formulas, most pizza operators express their formulations based on flour percentage.

All ingredients are expressed as a percentage of the total flour weight in the formula – as an example, if the formula required 50 pounds of flour and 25 pounds of water, as a baker’s percent this would be expressed as:

IngredientWeightBakers %

This water is 5% of the flour weight (50 lb. x 0.50) = 25lb. With this method, the flour percentage is always 100%.

Toppings Do’s and Don’ts

PepperoniCupping– Curls into a bowl shape that holds grease.
– Characteristic of pepperoni that has dried to fast of the style of casing used.
PepperoniCaring– Outside edges cook more rapidly than the resulting in burnt product.
– Often happens with cupped pepperoni or when char-proofed spice are not used.
PepperoniGreasing Out– Raw sausage releases substantial amounts of fat when cooked, resulting in pooling
Sausage (Raw)Sausage not fully cooked– The portion per sausage chunk is too large or thick to finish cooking in the allotted pizza cook time.
Sausage (Pre-Cooked)Poor coverage– Portion size by weight is concentrated into fewer, bigger, chunks.
Product ToppingsRaw texture– Toppings are sliced or diced too thick
Produce ToppingsShriveled or Mushy Texture– Toppings are too small or thin
Produce ToppingsCheese is not browning– Toppings are releasing natural moisture
Canned ToppingsTexture is poor– Preservation or ingredient quality is poor.
Canned ToppingsTaste is too salty– High sodium content
Canned ToppingsCheese is not browning– Toppings are releasing natural moisture

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