January 24, 2025

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Market Headlines


The cutout continued to rise throughout last week. Packers do have another week of decreased kills due to a holiday this week. Last week we saw continued increasing in pricing on the carcass overall.


A egg farm in Missouri has been confirmed as HPAI positive losing of just under 2 M layers. There is also another reported organic egg farm in Ohio/ Indiana has been confirmed as HPAI positive losing of 1.9 M layers.


The winter storm rolled through the south this week and disrupted broiler production (chicken). Production facilities were closed due to ice. Expect supply disruptions.


Shell egg markets are up this week and California eggs are flat with the exception of Mediums. Prices continue their daily climb to record levels, driven by supply shortages resulting from the spread of HPAI. The Block is down and Barrel is up. Butter is down.

Grains / Oil

Soybean oil saw increases again last week but finished down on Friday. There are still many questions surrounding biofuel rules from the EPA and rebates for biodiesel. Possible tariffs are still an unknown. Argentina is hot and dry, but overall their crop should come in just fine. Palm oil moved lower.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both U.S. and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on U.S. market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Peruvian supplies are expected to remain steady, Mexico lower due to cold weather. Market is steady. Demand is moderate.

Bell Peppers

East, Green volume and quality are good, and market is steady. Red and Yellow supply steady, quality is good, and market is steady. West, Volume is steady for color peppers, and green. Quality is good. Colder weather will impact volume and market expected to rise.


Market is steady on improved supplies, with quality reported as good to very good. Colder growing temps will start to slow growth and could see this market rise.


Market is steady on good supplies, but cooler weather expected to slow growth and see this market trend higher. Quality reported as good.


Wide range in market but trending lower with lighter demand. Overall quality reported as good.

Cilantro/ Parsley

Market is steady on both Cilantro and parsleys with moderate to good demand. Some occasionally yellowing noted for both, but overall quality is good.

Lettuce Iceberg

The market is starting to settle and mostly steady, with good supplies expected into next week. Quality is reported as good.

Lettuce Romaine

The market is mostly steady, with good supplies expected into next week on Romaine and Hearts. Quality is reported as good on both.


Supplies are good and are expected to hold through spring. Whites are lighter in supply this season. Demand is steady on all colors. Quality has been good, with good sizing. Prices are steady on red and yellow. Whites are higher.

Potatoes – Russets

Supplies are good and look to be so through the season. Sizing is heavy to large with most growers being lighter on small sizes. Quality is good. Prices are steady.


East – Limited supplies due to the colder weather in Florida. Quality fair to good, demand good and market steady to increasing.

West – Demand exceeds on fancy and larger sizing. Expect request to substitute. Less volume expected due to cold.


Round, Roma, and grape markets remains stable with good availability and quality both east and west. Cherry markets are increasing due to lack of available volume.



Mexico supplies continue to be tight but overall, they are improving. Demand remains high and will keep the market elevated through the Super Bowl. California season just beginning now, low volumes to start; will ramp up in March.


Lemons – Supplies are plentiful, quality is excellent, demand is good, and the market is steady. D3 has a month to go and D1 just starting and peaking on 140, 115, and 165s.

Oranges – Supplies are good, quality is excellent, demand is good, and the market is steady. Peaking 72s, 88s and 56s.

Limes – Supplies steady, quality is fair to good, demand fair to good and the market is steady to slightly lower. Adverse weather through the US will affect over all demand.


Good supplies and quality on both coasts with no threat of a strike. Expect market to hold steady for a few weeks at least.

Melons – Cantaloupe and Honeydews

Cantaloupe – Demand exceeds due to tropical storm, and logistics. Honeydew drastically limited volume due to weather, and delayed deliveries. Mexico could help bridge the gap as supplies are expected to improve slightly if weather permits. Will last through February.


Supplies are tight, quality is fair to good, demand is strong, and the market is increasing. 5/6/7s are very tight for the next 4–6 weeks. Congestion at the Panama Canal causing vessel delays.


Supplies remain snug. California volume is lighter due to crop transitions and cool weather. Mexico has lighter but steady volume. Florida is battling cold temps and rain which has reduced production. No shortages expected except Florida. Quality and size is good. Prices are steady.