Supplies are tight as yields are dropping due to cold weather and yellowing at the field level. Weather is expected to warm in the coming days which will help production.
Peruvian supplies are on the decline with shift of growing regions. Mexico supplies are improving slowly, larger volume in two weeks will show lower markets. Quality is good to fair.
Bell Peppers
East – Green supplies are ok quality is excellent demand is strong, and the market is increasing. Red and yellow supplies are steady, quality is good, and the market is steady.
West – Production is strong with solid quality. Market is lower for colored bells and steady for green.
Market is up as cooler weather has slowed growth and supply is fair to good. Quality reported as good.
Market higher as supplies are lighter due to prolonged cooler weather and expected to be into next week, with quality reported as fair to good.
Market down again as supplies remain good. Overall quality reported as good for all regions.
Cilantro/ Parsley
Market is active on both Cilantro and parsleys with moderate to good demand but tighter supplies. Yellowing noted for both is impacting yields and field volume is lower.
Lettuce Iceberg
The market is higher from impact from the colder weather which is impacting yields. Quality is reported as good.
Lettuce Romaine
The market is a bit higher, with ok supplies expected into next week on Romaine. Hearts steady currently on fair to good supplies. Quality is reported as fair to good on both.
Supplies are good and are expected to hold through spring. Whites are lighter in supply this season. Demand is steady on all colors. Quality has been good, with good sizing. Prices are steady on red and yellow. Whites are higher.
Potatoes – Russets
Supplies are good and look to be so thru the season. Sizing is heavy to large with most growers being lighter on small sizes. Quality is good. Prices are steady.
East – Zucchini and yellow squash supplies are tight, quality is fair to good, demand is strong, and the market is increasing.
West – Better supplies of zucchini, with less of yellow. Market is higher as demand is strong. Quality is good on all.
Round, Roma, and grape markets remains stable with good availability and quality both east and west. Cherry markets remain active due to lack of available volume.