Cooler weather has sizing shifting to smaller, indications are jumbo and extra–large markets will increase. Overall good quality continues out of Mexico.
Bell Peppers
West – Decreasing supplies on a tiered market predicated on quality. Warm weather will boost demand. Markets are higher on all varieties of bells.
East – Plentiful supplies of green and good supplies of red and yellow. Demand is strong. Market is increasing.
Market a bit stronger but supplies continue to meet the moderate to good demand. Quality is good.
Market a bit stronger but supplies continue to meet the current demand. Quality is fair to good.
Market mostly steady with good supplies and demand. Quality is reported as good.
Cilantro/ Parsley
Market is steady on Cilantro and parsley with moderate to good demand. Quality reported as fair for cilantro and fair to good on the parsleys.
Lettuce Iceberg
Market a bit stronger but supplies continue to meet the good demand. Expect market to be active as growing regions begin to
transition North. Quality is reported as good.
Lettuce Romaine
Market a bit stronger but supplies continue to meet the good demand. Expect market to be active as it starts to transition North. Hearts mainly steady and quality is good.
Supplies are good in the N West. Some shippers are pushing to end early which has reduced pricing. Demand remains steady. Quality is good, with good sizing. Prices are slightly lower in some areas.
Potatoes – Russets
Supplies are good and look to be so thru the season. Sizing is heavy to large with most growers being lighter on small sizes.
Quality is good. Markets are holding steady.
West – good quality with steady supplies of zucchini, demand is strong and market is higher. Yellow squash is showing lighter
supplies, and market is up.
East – limited yellow squash, with fair quality, good supplies of zucchini with both markets strong.
Round, Roma, grape, and cherry markets are increasing east and west due to reduced availability with steady demand. Quality remains good on all varieties.