March 7, 2025

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Market Headlines


We’ve seen some bottoming on a few item over the last two weeks. The current slaughter levels have finally caught up with curtailed demand.


Lent kicks off next Wednesday, 3/5, and will last until Friday, 4/17. Please be prepared for the increase in seafood consumption.


Shell egg markets are down this week and California eggs are down with no recent outbreaks to report. The Block & Barrel are down. Butter is down with plentiful cream in the market.

Grains / Oil

Soybean oil futures slid last week due to several factors. Weather in South America has improved. Both Canola and palm oil moved lower last week. The biofuel policy is still unclear. Traders are squaring their positions ahead of imposed tariffs. However, stocks are at a 10–year low.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both U.S. and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on U.S. market data only.

Produce Market Updates



No major fluxes of supply right now. Yield is moving steady throughout the market. We are in peak production and volume is expected to begin to taper going forward. Quality remains excellent.

Bell Peppers

East – Green bell supplies are good, quality is good, demand is good, and the market is steady to slightly higher. Red and Yellow bell supplies tight, quality is good, demand strong and market steady.

West – moderate demand, market is steady. Quality is good.


Market is steady with good supplies and moderate demand. Quality is reported as fair to good.


Market is steady with good supplies and moderate demand. Quality is reported as good.


Market mostly steady with good supplies and demand. Quality is reported as good.

Cilantro/ Parsley

Market is steady on Cilantro and parsley with moderate to good demand. Quality reported as fair for cilantro and fair to good on the parsleys.

Lettuce Iceberg

The market is a bit lower as warmer weather continues to help with yields. Quality is reported as good.

Lettuce Romaine

The market is steady, with good supplies expected into next week on Romaine. Hearts steady currently. Quality is reported as fair to good on both.


Supplies are good in the N West. Some shippers are pushing to end early which has reduced pricing. Demand remains steady. Quality is good, with good sizing. Prices are slightly lower in some areas.

Potatoes – Russets

Supplies are good and look to be so thru the season. Sizing is heavy to large with most growers being lighter on small sizes.
Quality is good. Markets are holding steady.


East – Zucchini supplies are plentiful, quality is excellent, demand good, market slightly higher. Yellow supplies good, with strong demand and the market is increasing.

West – Market is higher due to regional transition and increased demand. Yellow is limited in supplies.


Tomato – Roma, grape, and cherry markets remain stable with good availability and quality both east and west. Round availability remains stable, but expect slight price increases due to tariffs.




Expect harvest to begin to slow as growers work to prevent falling prices. However, demand is expected to flatten – so anticipate the market will overall be mostly steady going into the next week. Large fruit remains at a high premium and quality remains fair at best.


Supplies are still on the lighter side, but suppliers are keeping up with the demand.


Lemons – Supplies are in good supply on all sizes, quality is excellent, demand is fair to good, and the market is steady.
Oranges – Supplies are good, quality is excellent, demand is good, and the market is steady. Size structure is shifting heavier to larger sizes.
Limes – Production is new crop, majority of volume is in small sizes, and yielding good quality. Expect tighter supplies due to higher demand in March; that will not allow fruit to catch up and gain size. Market rising in addition to tariffs.


Good supplies and quality in the East and the West. Expected to remain steady for the next several weeks.


Supplies are tight, quality is fair to good, demand is strong, and the market is steady to slightly lower. 6/7s seem to be the shortest in supply. Expect supplies to remain tight through Easter.


Volume is lighter from all areas. Florida is down trending with weather on the way and so–so quality. Mexico is also down trending with independents finishing. Oxnard has rain on the way over the next week. Market is moving higher.