April 12, 2024

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Market Headlines


The CDC said on Monday bird flu risk to the public remains low. It does continue to be aware and ask the state public health officials to be alert and prepared to quickly test and provide treatment.


A farm in Michigan was identified as HPAI positive with an expected loss of approximately 2M egg laying birds combined between conventional and cage free housing.


Shell egg markets are all flat and demand has softened. California and Northwest markets are down. Avian influenza has shown up in U.S. dairy herds, but it isn’t widespread enough to reduce production. Contracted cheese demand is steady and spot demand is steady to stronger. Butter is up with domestic demand mixed.

Grains / Oil

Higher energy, higher competing vegetable oil varieties, and higher equities all supported higher prices for soybean oil last week. Palm was higher with continued production issues. Canola moved higher with reduced farmer seed selling.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both U.S. and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on U.S. market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Market is slightly down. Peru is opening new fields daily and domestic is starting in California, Idaho, and the Pacific Northwest. Quality of domestic is very good to excellent.

Bell Peppers –  Alert

West – Market has eased as supplies have increased. Field reds in good supply with no shortages expected.

East – Green bell supply steady, quality good and moving well at current market. Red bell supplies have improved, quality good, demand good and market lower. Yellow bells are still very limited in the east.


Market is softer but still firm, as supplies are still tight. Expect supplies to improve in the coming weeks.

Cabbage – Green & Red

Supplies and quality good on both red and green. Market mostly softer on both.


Market softer as volume improves and seeing lighter demand.


Market mainly steady with good supplies and moderate demand.


Cilantro market steady on decent supplies, volume expected to improve in the coming weeks. Parsley supplies and overall quality look good. Market mostly steady for both curly and Italian.


West – Market is lower with light demand, but this is not expected to hold as supplies are set to diminish as regional shift begins.

East – Supplies good, quality good.

Lettuce & Romaine

Market is softer as Salinas starts to ramp up, and the desert winds down. Quality is fair to good, however Value Added suppliers are seeing less heart material still.

Onions – Alert

The Idaho region is done. PNW will go to the end of April. Quality is fair at best.

Inventory loading in Texas is barely filling the void from Idaho. Red is still very limited, keeping this market active.

Onions – Green

Limited harvesting crews continues to be a struggle and has this market remaining firm. Harvesting should get back to normal and expect this market will start to come off next week.

Potatoes – Russets

Supplies are very light on 40–50 ct from most suppliers. 90–120 ct are plentiful. This now looks to be the case through the summer months. Demand is following supply accordingly. Prices are steady for now. Quality is good.


West – Good supplies, light demand, desert production has started in a small way.

East – Zucchini supplies good, quality good and demand good. Market steady. Yellow squash supplies good, quality fair to good, market stronger.

Tomatoes – Alert

Rounds remain on alert status both east and west due to lack of availability. Grape, cherry, and roma varieties continue to improve with increased supply on normal demand.



Volume out of Mexico remains strong. Market is active as Cinco De Mayo pull is still a week away. The market is currently soft on larger sizes. Next week demand is expected to increase and likely push market up.

Citrus – Alert

Lemons –Alert– Crop peaking on 115’s and larger, with 140’s and smaller becoming a challenge to fill orders. 140s, 165s, 200s and 235s very tight supplies. Flexibility on size needed.

Oranges –Alert– Fruit is peaking on 40/36/56ct size Navels. Tight supplies and higher prices, especially for smaller size navels oranges. For most suppliers California Valencia oranges are anticipated to start earlier this season by mid–late–April.

Limes – Crop conditions remain steady. New crop approximately 50–60% of volume is in small sizes 250s/230s. Quality and utilization has improved in response to new crop in small sizes. Supplies tight on 110s/150s.

Grapes – Alert

Volumes continue to be lighter than normal as import supplies are being strategically aligned to meet supplies. Mexico is slated to bring much needed relief for this category by mid–May.


Pineapple volume remains tight. Next week expected to be tight as well with improved volumes ramping up week 16. Volumes are anticipated to continue to increase week over week after Week 16, returning to normal volumes.


Supplies are slowly improving but growers are still scrambling to catch up as warmer weather brings demand up. Market remains firm but trending lower.