April 21, 2023

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Market Headlines


Chicken tenders continue to be the most in-demand part of the bird this week experiencing price increases.

Shell Eggs

No new Avian influenza impacts reported over the last couple of weeks, we continue to monitor the situation closely.


Shell egg markets are still soft and in decline. Barrel markets tumbled this week; blocks fell, too. Butter markets remain steady. Cream and culture pricing will have nominal increases for the month of April. Processed egg quarterly adjustment for April will see some slight decreases.

Grains / Oil

Soybean oil futures moved a little lower last week as the USDA reported no change from its WASDE report. Cash values for soybean oil and Canola are moving higher with biodiesel plants coming online. Palm markets were lower with pressure from soybean oil futures and increased production.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both US and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on US market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Market higher as volume is on the decline from insect pressure and excessive yellowing at the field level forcing growers to walk past fields and not harvest at all.

Organic Arugula is short, but harvesting should start ramping up.


Forecasted short supply and quality are here, but local regions will start to bring relief. Market is up slightly but expected to hold steady if demand is moderate.


Market remains active. Expecting supplies to be very tight but Salinas has begun harvesting now however we could see intermittent gaps in production where demand will exceed supplies.

Broccolini/ Baby Broccoli

Broccolini light supplies continue but supplies are trending higher with several growers and starting to slowly catch up to demand.

Cabbage – Green & Red

Market steady on both green and red, Salinas season expected to start in May.


Market remains elevated on light supplies and few growers gapping. Mexico was hit with hail, damage assessment still ongoing.


Steady market may need to sub sizing in the upcoming weeks to fill all orders as larger sizes are tighter.

Cilantro & Parsley

Market active on both. Cilantro Supplies are a little tight this week as Mexico production comes to an end. Parsley is seeing lower yields due the weather and is also snug.

Iceberg Lettuce

Market high and extremely active as growers are struggling to meet demand, expect the next 3-4 weeks to be the most challenging.

Italian Parsley

Critically short as several growers are gapping this week and likely next.


Overall good supplies with very few supply disruptions. The market remains steady.


This market is steady at current levels. Product coming from South Texas is still running behind due to last week’s rain. Expect exterior on these onions to be rough looking. We will start to see some onions from the Imperial Valley California mid to late next week.


East Coast – Markets may improve slightly. Good quality. New crop West- Greens shifting growing regions have more choice available, quality demanding higher pricing. Color peppers short supply.


Suppliers are doing everything they can to stretch the storage crop out to avoid a gap between the new crop, which is very probable with the late winter they are having. Large sizes are very limited with best availability on the smaller end of the range. Market is trending higher.

Snow/Snap Peas

Market higher on both as the Mexico region winds down and Salinas is behind in ramping up due to past weather events. Demand is expected to exceed supplies the next several weeks.


East Coast – Markets may improve, low production overall. West – New regions to start next week so market should start to settle.


Round and roma markets are increasing due to rain out east combined with a lack of available volume out of MX. Grape and cherry volume remain steady both east and west.



Demand remains strong and price points are holding. Market is expected to remain stable through 4/26.

Citrus – Alert

Lemons – Central California is peaking large fancy, 115/95/75. Suppliers targeting smaller fruit on the coast to compliment the Central District. Small fruit, fancy and choice are snug now, but inventories are healthy on large fancy and choice across the board.

Oranges – Navel size structure is starting to shift, peaking 72/88, grading heavier into choice. Late varieties will be available in May.

Limes – Alert Mexico new crop Limes starting with mostly small sizes, 230/250’s. Overall volume has yet to materialize or increase but expected to in next 2-3 weeks.


Volume at origin will begin to increase this week. Sizing will start to shift back to large sizes. The market is still very strong and supplies tight in the US currently. There is not much fruit available in the market.