Market is on the rise both east and west as Mexican regions start to shift, and Peru’s warmer weather and cyclone effects hinder production.
Market active, as supplies are expecting to be very tight the next 2-3 weeks and demand exceeding supply.
Broccolini/Baby Broccoli
Broccolini continues with extremely short supplies and warmer weather is needed to give product a kick start.
Cabbage- Green & Red
Strong Easter demand pressuring the market higher but expecting it to settle.
Market firmed up quick as Yuma volume winds down and we remain several weeks behind in Salinas. Demand exceeds supplies.
Market unsettled Oxnard in varying degrees of readiness due to all the rain with some fields in better shape than others.
Cilantro lighter supplies are struggling to meet demand. Good supply, demand is moderate. Some are reporting light seeder, but overall quality is good.
Iceberg Lettuce
Good demand for lettuce on declining volumes as Yuma finishes and northern regions are slow to start. Market jumped up and will continue to climb. Field reports indicate yield weights are expected to start dropping lower now.
Suppliers are not meeting demand with Salinas crops delayed from the rain and Yuma volume winding down for the season.
Overall good supplies with very few supply disruptions. The market remains steady.
Overall Market out of PNW came off again this week. Recent rain in the Texas growing region has impacted the market from that region and is increasing this week.
East coast green supply is lighter Market looks to trend higher. Red and Yellow extremely short. West Coast – supplies are lighter and market is higher, especially for reds.
Market firming up as supplies are light. Packers have been limiting production to stretch the storage crop out until new crop starts. Late snow and cold weather are delaying new crop planting which has growers concerned about a likely gap between the two.
East – Florida supply remains steady with steady volume being reported on all varieties. The transition to Central Florida over the next 2-3 weeks which will yield additional volume. West – Supply out of Mexico continues to be steady on all varieties with good quality being reported. Expect markets to continue to trend lower.