Asparagus – Alert
Market remains firm. Supplies continue to be tight from both Peru and Mexico, but more so on the West Coast.
Broccoli & Cauliflower
Markets are increasing as yields start to reduce due to an increase in quality issues and a pick-up in demand.
Cabbage – Green & Red – Alert
Out of Mexico cabbage remains limited in supply with active markets. Conditions to last through August.
Cilantro – Alert
Markets are increasing as yields start to reduce due to an increase in quality issues and a pick-up in demand.
Corn– Alert
(East) Bi-Color corn seems to be most plentiful. Yellow corn is very tight in supply. Demand in increasing as Labor Day approaches. (West) Moderate supplies of white corn this week; market firming up.
Cucumbers– Alert
(East) Cucumber supplies short due to impact of recent wet weather. Market stronger. (West) Supplies very short from Baja and Mexico. Rains have slowed production down.
Eggplant – Alert
(East) Eggplant is still being produced in many eastern regions. Quality is very spotty causing a wide range of markets. (West) Very short from Central California. Volume should pick up by mid-September. Mexican eggplant supplies remain limited.
Fingerling Potatoes – Alert
The Idaho market expected to adjust as more sheds start up late this week and next. 40 – 70 ct will still be very short for several weeks
Green Onions – Alert
Market is in a severe demand exceeds supply situation. Supplies have been reduced by high heat in the growing regions during the months of May, June, and July, followed by heavy rainfall the last week. Harvests are estimated to be down 35-50% from their original forecast numbers thus creating a very active, and volatile market scenario. Conditions are expected through September, and some are forecasting the current conditions could last through the end of the year.
Quality is fair with heavy under sizing mostly small and occasional medium pencil sized green onions. Temperature stress discoloration and insect pressure also impacting quality and condition.
Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine
The markets on iceberg, romaine, romaine hearts, are moving quickly into a demand exceeds supply situation. Weather conditions coupled with inconsistent demand patterns are driving the markets upward. Limited supplies and volatile market conditions are expected for the next 2-4 weeks. All commodity and value-added packs are impacted.
Onions – Alert
Market firmer. Hot weather in CA, ID and WA over the last week has caused harvest delays and will reduce production volume this week. Super and colossal onions will be very tight for a few weeks.
Peppers – Green, Red, Yellow & Chili – Alert
(East) Demand on Red pepper remains strong with limited availability. Green pepper is still very steady. (West) Green bell volume steady for the next 10 days from Central California and Central Coast California. Red and gold bell market high. Expect minimal relief in the next 10 days.
Squash – Alert
East Coast – Both yellow and zucchini squash are active. West Coast – Zucchini will be short for the next 2 weeks until Central California starts. Central Coast squash will be in light supply. Yellow squash volume up a bit, demand not as strong as zucchini.
Tomatoes– Alert
Round supply remains on alert status due to lack of availability from high temps and rainfall. Market will remain elevated for the next 2-3 weeks.