Market is mostly steady in the East with good supplies. Mexico demand is softer and expect supplies to tighten up in the coming weeks.
Market softer but still reporting tighter supplies with the colder weather. Baby broccoli is in a demand exceeds supplies with some suppliers.
Cabbage – Red & Green
Moderate demand, market slightly higher. Lighter weights are still an issue with some suppliers.
Market took a small decrease. Moderate volumes this week. Cooler temperatures in Yuma will affect harvest and keep this market active.
Market up slightly on light supply, as cooler weather impedes production on both Cilantro and Parsley.
East – Cucumber supply lighter, demand good and market stronger. Cooler nighttime temperatures and a cold front coming could keep supplies limited..
West – Moderate supplies with good demand. Prices expected to remain high throughout the holiday season.
East – Eggplant supply steady, with moderate demand. Market remains mostly steady.
West – Heavy supplies and light demand, this market at the bottom and can only go up at this time.
Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine
Lettuce holding at current high levels. Leaf supplies improving but market remains high. Romaine showing signs of coming down.
Supplies continue to improve, and the market remains steady.
Market is mostly steady. Supplies are steady and keeping pace with demand.
Peppers – Alert
Green bell supplies improving, market firm. Red and Yellow bells are extremely short supply and higher markets.
Supplies are light this season. Packers are already limiting packing times to stretch the season out to the end.
Volume is very limited on 40 70 ct.
Spring Mix/Spinach
The market continues to be in an extreme demand exceeds supplies on Spring Mix and Spinach. Arugula extremely short with some growers completely out for several days.
East – Zucchini supply better, but mostly on fancy. Mediums sell out each day, Market a little lower but seems to be firming back up. Yellow squash supply is light as demand exceeds supply. West – Zucchini squash prices are steady, with moderate demand. Yellow squash- Availability is increasing, and demand has slowed down causing market to adjust downward a bit.
Tomatoes – Alert
Markets are active, with rounds higher. Roma, Cherry and Grapes the market looks like it stabilizing, but remains high.
Flexibility in specification, varieties, and sizing is the best way to mitigate the impacts of this supply challenge.