Market balancing out a bit and coming off as we have past the holiday demand. Supplies are still expected to be tight into January.
Market steady but firm, supplies are still snug and cooler weather is slowing production.
Cabbage – Green & Red
Supplies slightly lighter and demand slightly higher driving that market up.
Market slightly softer as supplies have improved and demand has softened, but still at extremely high pricing levels.
Market softer as supplies have improved and demand has come off.
East – Cucumber supply steady, and market mostly steady. Demand steady. West – Production increasing in the Sinaloa region, prices have dropped slightly, and market is stable.
East – Eggplant supply lighter. Demand moderate, market has not reacted due to abundant supply out west. West – Availability has increased substantially; and demand is weak. Market lower.
Green Beans
East – Bean supply little better post-holiday due to lighter demand. West – Moderate volume out of Mexico, still not enough to fill the pipeline, should remain somewhat limited until late next week, before some relief is seen.
Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine
Leaf, lettuce, holding at current high levels as they move to the Yuma growing region. Market looks to hold on to extremely high prices due to continued very light supplies with heavy demand.
Supply is improving but still very short, but cautiously optimistic they will start meet the demand. Market mostly steady.
Market is mostly steady. Larger Yellow onion sizes continue to be somewhat scarce. Reds and Whites continue to show good supplies.
Peppers – Alert
East – Green bell supply steady, Red and Yellow extremely short, market high.
West – Increasing availability from California and Mexico is causing this market to slightly adjust. Red and Yellow extremely short, market high.
Spring Mix/Spinach
Product remains very short as suppliers continue with the move Yuma region. Expect shortages until we fully transition South to the desert in a few weeks.
East Coast – Market increasing with cooler weather slowing production. Yellow squash short supply. West Coast – Colder weather in Mexico is slowing production down.
Expect market to rise. Yellow squash will be light for the rest of the month until Central Mexico starts.
Tomatoes – Alert
Markets are active, with rounds higher. Roma, Cherry and Grapes the market looks like it stabilizing, but remains high.
Flexibility in specification, varieties, and sizing is the best way to mitigate the impacts of this supply challenge.