Active markets and shorter supplies to be seen for the next 2-3 weeks.
Market active with short supplies due to cold impacting the crowns and slowing production. Anticipating shortages for a few weeks.
Avocados –Alert
On February 18th, the U.S. lifted the suspension of avocado shipments from the Mexican state of Michoacan. Product that was sitting in Mexico already packed waiting to be released began to cross over the weekend equaling 15-million-pound (25% of a week’s usage) Packers will do everything they can to replenish inventories, short term market will remain active and will take 7-10 days to settle back down. Alternative countries of origin and flexibility on size maybe needed until the pipeline is filled back up.
Broccoli & Baby Broccoli
Markets remain steady growing regions for broccoli and baby broccoli(broccolini) out of CA, AZ, and Mexico.
Brussels Sprouts
Good availability on conventional and organic sprouts. Markets continue to adjust as they come down from the previous elevated market conditions.
Carrot suppliers remain at max capacity on their snack pack carrots and jumbo carrots out of CA. Market will be shorter and limited in supply as a result. Expect very active carrot markets for 2-3 more weeks.
Markets conditions are adjusting for this week as supplies as Mexico is rebounding with improved supplies.
Value Added-Processed (sticks, diced) celery is under and demand exceed supply situation due to capacity constraints. Relief not expected till the beginning of March. Commodity celery out of CA, and AZ is more active this week as well due to overall lighter supplies.
Chili Peppers
Florida hot pepper supply light, demand strong and markets expected to get stronger. Mexico supplies moderate, with good movement; the Lenten season begins middle of next week and expect strong demand and active market.
Honduran volume continues to decline, supplies very light, quality good and market very high. Florida projected to start cucumber production up again mid-March. Mexico supplies moderate with good movement; market is active and will remain active another week.
Florida supply very light, quality fair and demand strong. Expect demand to exceed supply until new spring eggplant begins in a few weeks. Mexico supplies moderate, strong demand starting for the Lenten season, expect supplies to remain tight through mid-April.
Supplies of California garlic continue to decline. The next harvest will be in late June and early July. With less CA garlic available, orders will look to be supplemented with garlic from Argentina, Spain, and Mexico, starting in mid-March through the time of the new harvest. Expect to see stronger markets starting at that time.
Hot House
Peppers all colors demand exceeds supplies. Campari tomatoes short in supply and Cucumber are snug depending on region.
Iceberg, Leaf and Romaine
Stronger markets on iceberg, green, leaf lettuces for this week. Romaine markets are very active this week with some suppliers becoming increasingly more limited on supply. Organic romaine is seeing a very high amount of aphid pressure.
** West Coast Commodity Transition**
The annual move from the desert growing regions to the CA Central Coast growing regions is on the horizon. Look for more updates over the next 4-6 weeks.
Strong demand and active markets continue across the mushroom industry. Challenges remain with labor shortages, freight costs, lack of drivers, and peat moss shortages. The industry does not see the conditions changing for the foreseeable future.
Market active as some grower’s finish packing for the Idaho/Oregon season. Mexico crossing into Texas are limited as demand South of the border exceeds supply. Quality is fair in the NW and good from Mexico. VA red onions very active and will become very limited in supply in the coming weeks.
Peppers, red and yellow –Alert
Florida green bell supply very good, quality good and market higher; red and yellow bells extremely short in Florida. Mexico producing moderate supply of green bells; red and yellow bells still in short supply, market stronger.