February 9, 2024

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Market Headlines


Heifers are entering the US cattle supply as beef – dairy crosses, a concept that is gaining support from the industry. Prior, this was not as openly discussed or accepted, but has found industry support recently.


Shell egg markets are up except Northwest California who is flat. Block & Barrel cheeses are increasing. Butter is up.

Grains / Oil

Soybean oil futures started last week on a high note but moved back down toward week’s end. The higher move was due to higher energy markets, but the fundamental good supply of beans, etc. helped keep the soybean futures in check. Palm moved higher with production issues and Chinese demand, while Canola is flat.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both U.S. and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on U.S. market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Supplies are very tight due to yellowing and causing lower yields. Expect supplies to be short another week or so.


Market has declined significantly to match rise in volume swings into full production. Supplies are expected to hold strong, through March. Jumbos remain somewhat limited, but all other sizes are plentiful.

Bell Peppers –  Alert

East – Green bells extremely limited, demand very strong, and market very high.

West – remains short, cold is holding back coloring. Eastern low supply is causing excess demand, keeping the market elevated. Yellow impacted the most.


Market mainly steady with good supplies and moderate demand.


Rain has impacted harvesting and yields are down on all varieties, demand exceeds supplies.

Cabbage – Green & Red

Supplies and quality good on both red and green. Market lower on green and steady on red.


Market mainly steady with good supplies and moderate demand.


Market mainly steady with good supplies and moderate demand.

Cilantro/ Parsley

Cilantro and Parsley supplies and overall quality look good. Market mainly steady for on Parsley and cilantro up a bit.

Corn Alert

East – Supplies out of Florida continue to be dire. Production has been limited and quality has been poor overall. Most harvests are to cover contracts; with little to no production for the open market.

West – Very little supply, demand is moderate, market is high.

Green Beans Alert

East – Beans supplies lighter, demand weaker, quality good and market a little lower, but still high.

West – Limited supplies good demand market steady.

Lettuce & Romaine

Market mostly steady. Good volume available with good quality. Romaine market holding steady, and the heart market is steady on good supplies.

Onions – White – Alert

White onions are still in alert status. No quality inventory is available from Idaho. Washington white supplies continue to decrease, how long they will last is currently unknown as very high pricing continues to drive demand down. The onion market remains very strong as demand continues to outpace supplies. Mexico is now at a week to ten days away from having any volume to ship.

Potatoes – Russets

Supplies are good for all sizes and demand remains slow. The market is steady. Quality is good.

Squash – Alert

East – Zucchini supplies better, demand lighter and market lower. Yellow squash demand is good, and market very strong.

West – Moderate demand and zucchini market lower, others steady. Supply has improved but will not do so significantly for another 2 weeks.

Tomatoes – Alert

Round and roma varieties are no longer on alert status due to increasing availability out of Mexico. Grape and cherries remain on alert status; however, volume has improved slightly with additional volume out of Mexico.



Seeing higher prices on 48’s and larger. Smaller sizes will be steady this week and next.

Citrus – Alert

Lemons – Alert Central California will be impacted by this week’s rain. Shortages and gaps in sizes will most likely come next week. Packinghouses are preparing for the stalled harvest.

Oranges – Alert Rain now has slowed harvest on the already limited supplies of 88s, 113s and 138s in both grades.

Shortages and substitutions will become the norm.

Limes – Anticipate overall supplies to significantly tighten up in the next week as growers work through their aging inventory. There is not as much fruit on the trees in Mexico for the current crop.

Grapes – Alert

East – Supplies out of Florida continue to be dire. Production has been limited and quality has been poor overall. Most harvests are to cover contracts; with little to no production for the open market.

West – Very little supply, demand is moderate, market is high.


Valentine’s Day demand and rain in California has created quite a challenge in the west. Orders are being supplemented with transferred product from Mexico which has also been delayed. Supplies will be a concern for 2 weeks.