Asparagus – Alert
Still experiencing limited volume as Mexico ramps up production. Market remains firm to higher, with relief now forecast around mid-February.
Supply levels remain stable with good volumes, except for 60 ct and smaller, market is firmer.
Market softer on both broccoli and baby broccoli as weather has improved and bringing on production. Baby broccoli is still lower in production but is expected to meet demand.
Cabbage – Green & Red
Market steady on both, with the red market firmer, and moderate demand.
Moderate demand, and good supplies for the next 7 – 10 days. Markets steady.
Market remains high but is coming off. Demand is moderate, supply is light but expected to improve as the desert region comes online with additional production.
Both field and Hot House Long English cucumbers are very light in supplies as varies growing regions are ending production. The supply situation is expected to improve the next 7 – 14 days.
East – Supplies light, quality hit and miss, and market steady. Demand very good. West – Limited supplies and good demand, pricing increasing.
Green Beans
East – Supplies very light, with farms in and out with supplies due to recent cool temps. Quality is fair to good. West – limited supplies, good demand, market higher. Market expectations are trending higher for next two weeks. Quality reported as fair to good.
A few suppliers are running into supply issues as very frigid temperatures in December impacted supplies. The market remains steady
Super Colossal Yellows and Colossal Yellows continue to be tight. Plenty of other supplies available. Quality is still very good in the Northwest.
Peppers – Alert
Green bell supplies are very light with cold weather in the East putting pressure on the West. Red and Yellow bells are extremely short in both East/West and higher markets expected.
Demand is light which is typical for this time of year and will be thru February. Packers have cut production to pace the lighter storage volume thru the season.
Squash – Alert
East Coast – Zucchini and yellow squash supplies better, quality good, and markets little lower.
Tomatoes – Alert
Round markets are escalating due to cold weather in Florida combined with Mexico’s delayed start to the season. Roma availability continues to improve with readily increasing volume. Grape and cherry markets remain stable and unchanged.