January 24, 2024

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Market Headlines


The winter storms across the country are ending for now. The Beef industry appears to have hesitation that packers will be able to keep momentum on their side once full production schedules resume.


Shell egg markets are all up this week. Block is decreasing & Barrel market are increasing. Butter is up. January Cream and Culture pricing will reflect price decreases due to those market adjustments.

Grains / Oil

Soybean oil ended last week flat. Many factors leading to higher soybean oil prices, 3–year lows, large fund traders with a smaller footprint for all soybean related commodities, higher oil/meal ration, lower stocks, and higher palm markets. Canola is higher with slow farmer selling poor seed exports. Palm moved higher.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both U.S. and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on U.S. market data only.

Produce Market Updates


Arugala Alert

Supplies are very tight due to yellowing and lower yields. Expect supplies to be short another week or so.

Asparagus Alert

Peru production is winding down as Mexico ramps up. Market is adjusting down. Heavy volume is expected mid–February, for now product exceeds demand. Market remains very high.

Bell Peppers –  Alert

East – Green supplies are improving and market a bit softer. Red, Yellow and Orange are in short supply.

West – Low inventory all varieties of peppers. Market for Green expected to increase next week as volume subsides more. Cold is causing trouble with them coloring up.


Rain is causing issues in Yuma and supplies are light with the market higher.

Cabbage – Green & Red

Supplies and quality good on both red and green. Market steady on green and a bit up on red.


Market higher with moderate volume. Cooler weather has sizing trending closer to 9s and 12s, 16s are light.


Good supplies and market trend down a bit, expect good supplies for next few weeks.


Cilantro and Parsley supplies and overall quality look good. Market mainly steady for both.


East – Cucumbers being imported from Honduras and Mexico; supplies are very light at this time. Quality is good, demand is good and the market very strong.

West – Demand exceeds. Rain and cold severely diminishing production.

Green Beans Alert

East – Supplies remain extremely limited, quality good, demand good and market very high.

West – Demand exceeds supply due to weather. Looking for better availability starting late next week.

Lettuce and Romaine

Market mostly steady. Overall, plenty of volume available with good quality. Rain early in the week has delayed harvest in the fields, but growers should be able to get back fairly quick. Romaine market holding steady, and the heart market is a little strong on moderate supplies.

Onions – White – Alert

Domestically there are no quality white onion inventory available from Idaho and Washington white onion supplies are reducing rapidly. Suppliers expect to see a few onion crossings in from Mexico around mid to late February.

Potatoes – Russets

Supplies are good for all sizes with moderate demand. The market remains steady. Quality is good.

Squash – Alert

All squash remains tight across the country. Very high markets on both yellow and green squash. Not expecting this to change over the next few weeks. Cold temperatures, cloudy days, and rain are causing moderate quality issues.

Tomatoes – Alert

Markets continue to escalate because of declining availability both east and west on all varieties. Production will not improve until early/mid–February. All varieties remain on alert status.



Prices are coming off mostly on larger sizes due to heavy harvests. The industry is slightly over supplied but expecting huge demand over the next two weeks ahead of the Super Bowl.

Citrus – Alert

Lemons – Strong demand is keeping this market firm. Crop is peaking on 140/95/115 and the desert region is finishing up for the season.

Oranges – Alert  This week’s weather has stalled harvest, as this will impact the availability of the small sizes by end of the week. Market remains firm.

Limes – Demand has subsided in response to extreme winter weather events across the country, although overall availability continues to decline. Expect decreased supply trends to remain consistent for the foreseeable future.

Grapes – Alert

Peru volume expected to show a reductions of percent due to results of El Nino weather, drought in Chili and late start to Mexico make for a demand exceeds import grape market.

Honeydew – Alert 

Extremely limited from all sources with no relief expected for 3–4 weeks. Sizing is mostly 5s and larger with few 6s and no 8s. Flexibility of sizing may be required to meet demand.