January 5, 2024

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Market Headlines


HPAI has returned and is affecting the Turkey producing states of Minnesota and the Dakotas. Currently the markets are mostly unaffected but there are concerns around the industry. Sysco branded suppliers have had no cases.


Three additional cage free farms identified as HPAI–positive. The 3 farms are in California, Ohio, and Kansas and are reportedly totaling close to 3 million birds.


Shell egg markets are up this week for Northwest & down for all other markets. Barrel is increasing & Block market are decreasing. Butter is up. January Cream and Culture pricing will reflect price decreases due to those market adjustments.

Grains / Oil

Soybean oil has separated from energies as crude oil moved flat to higher and bean oil moved lower. The U.S. dollar is stronger, equities are higher, and weather has improved in South America for the soybean crop. There are poor stocks for soybean oil, so higher prices are possible. Palm markets are choppy, and Canola is stable.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both U.S. and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on U.S. market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Extreme shortage continues from both Peru and Mexico. While Peru volume is expected to stay minimal due to heat, Mexican volume is expected to improve the week of the 16th.


Market softer with lower demand. Consistent volume expected this week and next.

Cabbage – Green & Red

Supplies and quality good on both red & green. Market steady on both.


Market demand has slowed down after the holiday and market pricing has come off. Supplies should be adequate into next week as long as weather holds.


Market still firm but a bit softer as demand eases after the holiday pull. Oxnard is finishing and growers will move completely down to the desert region.


Cilantro and Parsley supplies and overall quality look good. Market mainly steady for both.

Green Beans – Alert

East – Bean supply remains very light, demand strong over the weekend, quality is good and the market extremely high.

West – Very limited supplies, no relief forecast for at least 10 more days. Pressure from East coast market demand adding additional pressure.

Lettuce & Romaine

Market mostly steady. Overall, plenty of volume available with good quality. Only concern is that some shippers reporting ice in Imperial Valley fields, which could delay harvesting. Romaine and heart market holding steady.


White onions remain in alert status. The overall market is steady on red and yellow after holiday demand.

Peppers Red & Yellow – Alert

East – Green bell supplies short, demand very good, and market higher. Red and Yellow Bells remain in extremely short supply.

West – Slightly higher volume on red and yellow but not enough to fill demand keeping pricing steady and high. Green pricing higher on strong demand.


Supplies are good and prices are steady on all sizes. Demand is slow post–Holiday. Quality is good.


East – Zucchini supplies very limited, demand is very good, and the market strong. Yellow squash quality is fair, the market stronger and very few good yellow squashes around.

West – Smaller sizing due to cooler temperatures, zucchini market is slightly lower, others about steady. Demand is moderate.


Round, roma, grape, & cherry markets remain on alert status due to low availability both east and west. We should see additional availability in 2–3 weeks with MX availability increases.


Avocado Alert

Markets continue to trend higher on key sizes 48’s and 60’s – and expect this to continue for the next two weeks. The availability of smaller sizes is keeping prices lower on 70’s and 84’s.


Lemons – Good demand, sizes are peaking on 140s, 115, 165 with a good supply of Fancy with a ratio of 70% to 30% choice. Desert region is winding down and will transition up to central California.

Oranges – Demand is very good, expect to see pricing go up on 88s/smaller as availability looks to be shrinking.

Limes – Overall supplies coming out of the holidays are down due to reduced harvesting as growers had less days to pack over the holidays. In addition, the winter crop tends to have lower yields which will likely push pricing higher.


Import early season supply constraints have this market high and high demand. Red are mostly affected with 2–3 weeks forecasted limited supplies. Expecting to see more volume and better quality early February.


Supplies will remain light for a couple more weeks. Demand is very good. California and Florida have been interrupted by rain for the past few weeks. Central Mexico is the main production area and is slowly starting to increase volume. Market is high but mainly steady.