Market has reached a demand exceeds dynamic as both Mexico and Peru struggle to keep enough production coming to fill orders amidst a holiday demand pull. Mostly affected are Jumbos and Extra Large.
Bell Peppers
East – The green pepper market is strong. Georgia is finishing up and North Carolina is in full production. Markets remain high and are expected to stay higher for the next few weeks.
West – All varieties of peppers are limited in volume with red and yellow mostly affected. Regional growing shift, uncooperative weather have quality just fair at best. Market is very high and expected to hold up to ten days.
Market remains elevated and supplies remain tight. Supplies look to slowly improve and expect the market to see a slow downtrend over the next week or two.
Good to moderate supplies with lighter demand keeping markets steady to lower.
Market lower as we settle into Salinas, and supplies continue to meet demand.
Cilantro/ Parsley
Tight supply continues and Cilantro and market is firmer with demand exceeding supplies with many growers. Parsley markets active as Italian Parsley supplies remain limited, and quality is fair, curly parsley supplies are better.
Hot House
Cucumbers and TOV in good shape and meeting demand. Beefsteak tomatoes are at averages in the East. Peppers are very tight, and the fill could be as low as 70% and Heirloom tomatoes are very tight as well with potential fill as low as 60%.
Lettuce Iceberg
Better supplies and yields continue to move up. Strong demand is keeping the market from dropping quickly but is trending down.
Lettuce Romaine
Romaine has started to settle and heart markets continue the slow downward trend, as supplies and quality improve.
Supplies are good on yellows and reds in New Mexico and California. There is rain in the forecast in New Mexico that could turn the market around. Demand is good. Quality is good. White demand and prices are increasing due to rain in Mexico and Central America.
Potatoes – Russets
Supplies are light on 40–50 ct from most suppliers. 90–120 ct are plentiful. This now looks to be the case through the summer months. Demand is following supply accordingly. Prices are steady on large and lower on smaller sizes. Quality is good.
East – Squash and zucchini markets are flat. Georgia is finished but most other northern regions have started.
West – Has volume increases on the coast and valley so seeing a much lower market. Yellow Squash volume is improving and market relaxing somewhat.
Round & Roma varieties continue to improve both east and west due to increased availability out of Northern California. Grape Tomato availability remains light and Cherry Tomato markets remain stable.