July 8, 2022

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Market Headlines


Avian Influenza is having its worst outbreak since 2015. As of today, 5.5 million Turkeys have been lost which make up 2.5% of the US turkey population. The turkey supply is extremely constrained across the market.


Landings of head-on shrimp for peeling continue to be good. Landings have been great over a broad range of sizes signaling an optimistic outlook. Large Headless Whites 16/20 and 21/25 are being landed in quantity.


The current loss of impacted layers is at 31.4 million birds about 9% of the nation’s hen population
The majority of the impacts have been at farms located in the northeast and northwest.


Cheese markets rebounded this week due to increased exports. The butter market was higher this week with good cream demand. Good retail and food service demand has pushed shell eggs higher.

Grains / Oil

Soybean stocks were reported as being higher, the weather has been really good for soybeans, and Canola, too, so prices have come down for both soybean oil and Canola. Palm oil, also moved lower again as Indonesian exports continue to increase.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both US and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on US market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Supplies out of Mexico will be steady this week along with demand. Markets are adjusting post-holiday. Out of Peru, very similar to what the markets are doing out of Mexico. Domestic production has finished.


MX – Harvest has started to improve, as more Loca crop is now being released. The size curve on the summer crop is heavy to 48’s and 60’s, with very few #2’s. CA – Harvest is at peak production on Hass, with Lambs also starting up this week. The size curve is peaking on 48 and 60ct, with only 7% of fruit grading into the #2 category. Peru – Arrivals into the US are increasing with good supplies of water.

Brussel Sprouts

Supplies continue to be limited as quality issues persist. Sprouts are showing seeder as well as puffiness, which is causing the sprout to feel less firm and a bit soft. Lighter volumes are expected to be seen through mid-July.

Broccoli Alert

Active market conditions have returned on broccoli on the west coast. Expect to see a decrease in overall availability for the next 7-10 days. Quality is mostly fair to good with some irregular growth branchiness.

Cabbage – Red – Alert

Limited supplies continue with active markets on green and red cabbage this week out of Mexico and CA.


East – Georgia supplies are finishing this week and other areas such as Carolinas and Virginia will start to have supplies of eastern corn. The market is still very active coming off a large holiday. Supplies are light, quality is challenging. West -Yellow and white corn very limited.


East – Cucumber supply remains light. Demand has been strong. West – Very limited supplies with active markets.

Eggplant Alert

East – Supply much lighter, demand good, with active markets. West – More product from Mexico is now becoming available, expect to seen market adjustments in the next 7-10 days.

Green BeansAlert

Active market continues for west coast production on green beans. Supplies continue to be behind schedule.

Iceberg, Leaf and Romaine

Following the holiday weekend demand has softened, with markets still unsettled. Some suppliers continue to report reductions in yields on iceberg and lettuce.

Peppers – Green, Red, Yellow & Chili-Alert

Markets are active on all types of fresh chili peppers as well as all bell peppers, green, gold, and red. Expect active markets for the next few weeks.


Supplies are very limited on potatoes due to a light crop last season. We will not see improved supplies until the new crop starts at the end of August.


Bananas Alert

Supplies will be negatively impacted for quite some time from Guatemala due to tropical storm damage to the crop and transportation infrastructure. Consistent rain and cloud cover is also slowing growth and maturity. Guatemala is a significant source for one of the largest banana suppliers but others source from other countries. Supplies overall are lighted and demand is very good.


Prorates on orders with blueberries continue to be severe, with local/ California production finished for the season. Growers in the Pacific Northwest will begin to pack blueberries over the next 7-10 days hoping to bring some relief to the overall limited supplies available.


Lemons: The market is steady on choice but higher on fancy. The peak sizing and grades have shifted from large fancy to smaller choices on the Central California Coast. Fancy grade import lemons from Argentina and Chile are coming into the East and West Coast.

Oranges: Market firm. California Valencia’s are peaking on 88/72. Supplies are light and growers are limiting packing to lighter as we move through the summer. Fancy grade Imports from Chile are beginning to arrive which is expected to help some.

Lime: Small fruit still represents a majority of yields, while large sizes are less prominent. The market is expected to firm up again in mid-July due to drought conditions impacting quality and grove dehydration, leading to fewer pack-out yields and higher costs. Sizing continues to peak on 175/200/235 with lighter supplies 110/150’s.