June 23, 2023

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Market Headlines


The overall beef market is red hot, as the Choice cut out has seen a 13% increase in the past 3weeks. Brisket and ribs are up approximately 19%.

Soybean Oil

Another 10% increase for soybean oil last week with hot & dry weather persisting.


Shell Egg markets are flat; although, still increasing in California. Cheese markets continue to fall, but expected to turn higher. Butter markets are down slightly, but demand is increasing. Cream prices have moved up slightly.

Grains / Oil

Another 10% increase for soybean oil last week with hot & dry weather persisting. Biofuels are also pushing this market higher, and traders have shifted from sellers to buyers. Canola is seeing the same dynamics as soybean oil. Weaker Malaysian currency is helping boost palm oil markets.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both U.S. and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on U.S. market data only.

Produce Market Updates


Asparagus – Alert

Asparagus will be in an extreme short situation for at least three weeks. Pricing has increased and will continue to escalate through this period.

Brussels Sprouts

Supplies are still very snug but are now showing signs that volume is starting to improve in the coming weeks.

Cabbage Red & Green

Green market is holding steady on good supplies, red market is firm but trending lower as supplies begin to improve.


Steady supplies this week and the next. Market is mostly steady.


Market remains active, Salinas has started for a number of growers, but volume is light and Oxnard supplies are dwindling. Expect volume to pick up as we get into July.

Cilantro & Parsley

Market remains firm as supplies are expected to be on the lighter side for a few weeks on both Cilantro and Parsley.


West coast is demand exceeds until Central California can ramp up production. East Coast southern corn fields under extreme weather and damage is being assessed. Market is volatile on both coasts.

Green Beans Alert

West is still experiencing low supplies. Market is maintaining higher pricing. East also showing lighter supplies, spotty quality and increasing market.

Lettuce & Romaine

Supplies are tighter this week due to planting disruptions from rains/ flooding this winter/early spring pushing the market higher on both Romaine/hearts and head lettuce.


Market is steady, however medium yellows came off a touch as growers are into a lot that is heavy to mediums. Good availability across the board. Quality is excellent coming from both growing region Central California and Southern New Mexico.


West coast green bell pepper supply and market is steady to slightly higher. Color transition in progress with no gaps expected. East coast is also in transition, but market is holding steady.

Potatoes – Alert

Demand remains light at elevated prices from past years. Larger sizes are lighter in supply with small sizes having better availability. Quality remains good. Market is steady.


Round and Roma markets remain elevated due to wet weather in the N Florida, S Georgia growing regions. Quality is fair at best and varies greatly among shippers. Grape and cherry markets remain stable, but availability could decline in the coming week due to wet weather conditions.



Prices are up significantly as the start of the “New Crop” from Mexico has been delayed and estimated to begin the first week of July.


Lemons – Central Valley is wrapping up for the season. The Central Coast region is the main source of supply until imports arrive in early July. Market active, small sizes continue to be extremely tight.

Oranges – Navels wrapping up by end of June, and full transition to Valencia’s expected at that time. Navels peaking 72/88 grading heavier to choice.

Limes – No issues with supply and market is stable on lower demand. The exception is growers are still very limited on volume of 110/150’s due to the old crop nearing the end. New crop expected mid July.


Good supplies of Red with Greens being on the tighter side at the beginning of the week, with volume increasing by the end of the week, resulting in a weak market.

Honeydews & Cantaloupe

Melons – Cantaloupe supplies are better than in previous weeks, but size profile is mostly Jumbo size, so smaller sizes, 12 and 15’s, are limited. Honeydew supplies are increasing as well, and sizes are also larger, with limited 6 and 8 count.


Volume will start to decline for several weeks now coming off the peak. Supplies will remain tight for several weeks. There have been delays to the west coast due to high ocean swells at the port of Caldera on the Pacific side.