Shortages a potential on the horizon as local production begins to decrease, and Peru imports are below yearly averages for this time of year. For now, market is steady.
Brussels Sprouts
Extremely light on supplies and demand exceeds supplies on value added and bulk Sprouts. Expecting lighter numbers through the month.
Cabbage – Green & Red
Market high on very short volume of red cabbage and demand exceeds supplies. Green supplies are better, and market is lower.
Good supplies and steady to lower markets. Sizing has improved and quality is good.
Celery – Alert
Market still very high, but did come off a bit, with most suppliers still struggling to meet demand. Subbing to smaller sizes will be needed to fill orders.
Cilantro & Parsley
Cilantro has moderate to low supplies and market increased this week due to quality issues reducing field yields. Market still active on lighter supplies of both curly and flat parsley.
Green Beans
West coast showing limited supplies, quality only fair, market remains high and holding. East – Supplies, demand, and quality is good keeping the market steady.
Green and Red Leaf, Boston Lettuce – Alert
Green and red leaf supplies remain strong, and the market is holding steady.
Overall good supplies with very few supply disruptions. The market remains steady.
Markets are firm as we start to transition from the Imperial Valley to the central Valley. This is putting pressure on onions coming from New Mexico pushing that market up.
Red and yellow pepper are still relatively tight with limited availability in the East, market is active. better supplies in the West on red and yellows. Green bells production is much better, and market is lower.
Potatoes – Alert
Supplies are very light at 40–50 ct and moderate at 60–70 ct. 80’s and smaller are seeing better volume. Quality remains good with steady pricing.
Markets are steady both east and west with readily available volume on all varieties. Quality remains good.
White Asparagus
Supplies are limited due to extreme heat in the growing region, but volume is starting to improve, however still in a demand exceeds supplies.