Market active with stronger demand. Mexico supplies are good and Peru container arrivals expected to improve next week after a delayed start.
Industry harvests are down this week, and the U.S. is competing with the national market in Mexico. Market is active with sizing on 70’s and 84’s supplies to be tight, Size curve peaking 48s and 60s at 18%.
Active markets and shorter supplies to be seen for the next 7-10 days
Broccoli & Baby Broccoli
Active markets on broccoli this week as the season winds down out of Arizona, and supplies are short out of Mexico. Expect unsettled market conditions over the next 2-3 weeks.
Brussels Sprouts
Good supplies continue conventional and organic sprouts.
Carrot suppliers remain at max capacity on their snack pack carrots. Carton packs of jumbo carrots out of California is limited at best. Carrot sticks have now been impacted as a result of the overall shortage of jumbos, with the sizing on carrot sticks for some being reduced from 4 to 2 inches.
Active market conditions remain. Expect to see unsettled market conditions for the next 2-3 weeks.
Celery Value Added–Alert
Value Added-Processed (sticks, diced) celery is under and demand exceed supply situation due to capacity constraints.
Cucumber supply very light out of Florida; quality is good, but demand is strong due to limited availability out west. Expect strong market for about 10-14 days. Mexico supplies still not plentiful, expect better supplies next week and the month of April should produce better supplies each week.
Supplies of CA Garlic continue to dwindle down. As a result, more product from Argentina to be seen in the coming weeks
Green Beans
Florida bean supply better, quality good, and market steady. Mexico supplies limited.
Iceberg, Leaf and Romaine
Markets on iceberg, romaine and romaine hearts are starting to adjust as demand has called and new growing regions have started. Market is expected to be unsettled still for the next 2-3 weeks, as the transition from AZ to CA is in full swing.
Shortages and active market conditions continue to plague the mushroom industry. All varieties are impacted. Conditions are not expected to change for the foreseeable future.
Red VA onions remain short and limited in supply out of CA. Commodity- Market active as Washington winds down, Mexican crossings slow and Texas start to ramp up. Quality mixed depending on region.
Peppers, red and yellow –Alert
Mixed markets on red, green and yellow peppers when looking at the production off of the east and west coast. Expect unsettled market for the next 7-10 days. Chili Peppers remain active and short in supply.
Squash –Alert
Florida zucchinis are now in good supply. Yellow squash is very short supply with active markets. Mexico supplies will start to improve as more supplies start up next week.