March 4, 2022

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Market Headlines

Vegetable Oils

Expect large increases in vegetable oils with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as these oils are tied to crude oil.


Most of the tilapia being harvested are small due to Covid-19 as farmers are not letting the fish stay in the water longer than necessary. There will be a shortage of 7-9oz fillets in the upcoming months.


The Cattle on Feed report came out Friday, reporting cattle are being placed on feed are coming in at lighter weights, this points to animals are being sent to feedlots sooner. Translating to less supplies at end of year.


Butts continue to see renewed interest in retail, keeping this market in an upwards trajectory. Fresh bellies continue to rise as demand remains strong. Hams are continuing to push up as suppliers prepare for Easter and Mothers Day. Spareribs are trading sideways still and expected to continue this trend. Trimmings are still trending upwards with steady demand.


The block and barrel markets are mixed for the week due to international demand. The butter market is down for the week. The egg markets remain down for the week due to uncertainty in demand.

Grains / Oil

Crude oil markets moved close to $100 per barrel last week following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This helped push soybean oil, palm oil, and Canola much higher. The lack of sunflower oil being exported from Ukraine has pushed buyers to seek other varieties of oil, also aiding in the much higher markets. Wheat is quite a bit higher.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both US and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on US market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Active markets and shorter supplies to be seen until Mid-March


Market expected to slowly improve as move into March and Mexican volume increases

Avocados –Alert

Mexico is in full swing with a decent harvest scheduled for this week. The overall availability of fruit is still limited as the industry aims to replenish a depleted pipeline. The crop out of Mexico continues to bring uncertainties on future shipments and U.S pricing. Larger fruit remains less than 3% of the size curve and is peaking on smaller and grade 2 fruit. The California harvest remains steady and is also peaking on small fruit.

Broccoli & Baby Broccoli

Markets remain steady on broccoli,  but baby broccoli(broccolini) is active with limited supply.

Brussels Sprouts

Ample supplies continue conventional and organic sprouts.


Carrot suppliers remain at max capacity on their snack pack carrots and now having issues with carrot sticks for some suppliers. Jumbo carrots out of CA are scarce with limited availably. Market to be active through March.


Active market conditions have returned as yields have once again dropped for suppliers. Expect to see unsettled market conditions for the next 7-10 days


Value Added-Processed (sticks, diced) celery is under and demand exceed supply situation. Commodity celery out of CA, and AZ is more active this week as well due to overall lighter supplies. Active celery conditions expected through Mid-March.

Chili Peppers

Florida hot pepper supply light, demand strong and markets expected to get stronger. Mexico supplies moderate, with good movement; the Lenten season begins middle of next week and expect strong demand and active market.


Honduran cucumber supplies in Florida very light. Mexico steady supplies coming as we see moderation in the market but with good demand from the Mexican national market less volume will be exported to the U.S. Expect market to remain active.


Florida supply better, quality good, demand down, market lower, more production to start. Demand could increase due to Lenten season. Mexico supplies moderate with good demand.


Supplies of California garlic continue to decline. The next harvest will be in late June and early July. With less CA garlic available, orders will look to be supplemented with garlic from Argentina, Spain, and Mexico, starting in mid-March through the time of the new harvest. Expect to see stronger markets starting at that time.

Hot House

Peppers all colors demand exceeds supplies. Campari tomatoes short in supply and Cucumber are snug depending on region.

Iceberg, Leaf and Romaine

Stronger markets on iceberg, green, leaf lettuces for this week. Romaine markets are very active this week with some suppliers becoming increasingly more limited on supply.  Organic romaine is seeing a very high amount of aphid pressure.

** West Coast Commodity Transition**

The annual move from the desert growing regions to the CA Central Coast  growing regions is on the horizon. Look for more updates over the next 4-6 weeks.


Shortages and active market conditions continue to plague the mushroom industry. All varieties are impacted. Conditions are not expected to change for the foreseeable future.


ID/OR – Onion market remains active. Quality on some lots are fair others fair to good.  Texas crossings – Market is firming up, Rains in Mexico has curtailed harvest on all yellow onions. Red onions expected to get very tight until the Texas crop is ready in Late-March. VA red onions very active and will become very limited in supply in the coming weeks.

Peppers, red and yellow –Alert

Florida green bell supply decreasing (due to the impact of the freeze 5 weeks ago), demand increasing and market going up. Red and yellow bells extremely short. Mexico production on green bells limited as older fields fade away. Expect market to be active all month. Red peppers increasing in volume, market coming off a bit. Yellow bells continue to be tight/short.



Lemons-  The Desert region in California is about finished for the season. The Central Valley is in full swing and providing a good volume of large fancy lemons

Oranges-  Market is steady with moderate to good demand. Sizing is heavy to 72’s and larger fancy grade and lighter on smaller sizes choice grade.

Limes- Alert-. Production is very low, with delayed harvesting due to rain this past Monday. Markets are expected to adjust in the coming weeks as small fruit becomes more plentiful. Large fruit is expected to become extremely scarce by the second week of March. #2 limes remain extremely short due to quality.