Local growing regions continue to contribute to supply. Market is fairly steady, and outlook is good to hold.
Market higher and volume is and quality issues at the field level is expected to improve with the better weather in the forecast.
Markets are dropping as supplies have improved on both Broccoli and Baby broccoli. Anticipate good supplies the next 7-10 days.
Cabbage – Red & Green
Market mostly steady on both red and green as Mexico wraps up and Oxnard starts to come online with volume.
Cauliflower – Alert
Markets have come off this week. Product is finally sizing up due to better weather conditions. Supplies are now meeting demand.
Cilantro & Parsley
Cilantro seeing better volume and quality market steady, Parsley supplies are lighter with a few suppliers just meeting demand volume. Some yellowing reported on some lots. Italian parsley supply remains snug.
Market higher as supplies look lighter than normal for the next 2 weeks. Suppliers currently meeting demand.
Markets are high as supplies are extremely short and not meeting demand due to weather in Mexico. Expect to be short through June.
Cucumbers – Alert
Markets have come off this week. Product is finally sizing up due to better weather conditions. Supplies are now meeting demand.
Green Beans
East – Supplies have been extremely light and the market very high. Demand exceeds supply. Georgia expected to see an increase production next week as more growers get started. West Supply remains extremely limited.
Green and Red leaf, Boston lettuce – Alert
Green leaf supplies have improved, and market is reacting down, Red leaf supplies remain lighter, and that market is down a bit but still elevated.
Overall good supplies with very few supply disruptions. The market remains steady.
This market remains steady, but with recent rain in south Texas may end that season early causing a slight increase in the market. Additional California supplies seem to be keeping pace with current demand.
Green bells supply very short, market very strong, and quality hit and miss. More bells should start in Georgia, but adverse weather is forecast. Red and yellow bells are short in Florida. West – Limited availability of large sizing for green and both Red and Yellow.
Suppliers are doing everything they can to stretch the storage crop out to avoid a gap between the new crop. Large sizes are very limited, and that market is trending higher, smaller sizing the market is mostly steady.
Snow/ Snap Peas
Market remains firm on moderate supplies on both snap and snow. Quality reported as good to very good.
Round, grape, and cherry markets remain steady with good quality being reported both east and west. Roma markets continue to improve with additional supply coming out of Mexico.