Market is adjusting as supplies begin to improve as more domestic supplies starts to come on line.
Expect shorter supplies and active markets for the next week.
Broccoli & Cauliflower
Increased market activity being seen this week on both broccoli and cauliflower.
Brussel Sprouts–Alert
Active markets continue as supply out of Mexico remains low and full production on the Central Coast of CA is not fully ramped up at this time.
No change from the previous weeks. Shredded carrots, rainbow shredded carrots and 2 in peeled carrots are now short in supply in addition to shortages on snack pack and jumbo carrots out of California. Carrot sticks for some also remain a challenge with the main carrot processor only packing a 2-inch stick, instead of a 4-inch stick.
Cabbage – Bok Choy, Napa, & Red–Alert
Market is active with less overall supplies available. Active markets for the next 7-10 days.
Celery Value-Added–Alert
Active markets as suppliers are dealing with quality issues out of Oxnard CA and the start of the season in Salinas is still 3-4 weeks out.
Active markets continue as supply out of Mexico remains low and full production on the Central Coast of CA is not fully ramped up at this time.
Green Beans–Alert
Florida – Bean supply light as new areas begin, and older areas finish up. Demand decent, quality good and market strong. Mexico very limited volume as season ends, quality fair and Coachella starting in a very small way. Market active.
Iceberg, Leaf and Romaine
Stronger markets being seen this week with good demand on all leaf lettuces, romaine, romaine hearts and iceberg lettuce.
Markets are adjusting upward due to increasing temperatures out east. Quality and availability will decline through the coming weeks. Mexico season is wrapping up which will drive the market upward out West.
Market active but should start to settle. Texas should be wrapping up in a couple of weeks. Southern California is picking up volume as new crop continues to come on.
Italian parsley is being challenged with quality issues causing lighter supplies and stronger markets. Heavy seeder is being seen for some suppliers
Peppers – Chilies-Alert
Florida Hot pepper supply a little better, quality good and market steady. Florida production anticipated to end within the next week; expect a gap between Florida and Georgia seasons. Mexico producing good supplies and quality. Central California weeks away
Peppers – Red, Yellow, Green-Alert
Supplies out of Florida on green bell peppers remain short. New crop Georgia pepper two weeks out. Red and Yellow bells are short and demand good. Mexico green bells winding down with small sizing available. Red peppers will be in extreme short supply for next 7-10 days. Yellow peppers will be snug but available.