May 19, 2023

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Market Headlines


The chicken market was mixed this week and tenders continue to stay HOT.


Global beef production is expected to grow slightly this year, due to Brazil and China having continued growth. Both beef imports and exports were down compared to last year; a direct reflection to reduced consumer demand.


The snow crab pricing is now stable as the bottom has been established in the past two weeks. Demand has been robust. 66% of the quota has been harvested.


Shell Egg markets are steady with prices starting to increase due to demand. Cheese and Butter markets are down with bearish overtones existing for both. Cream and Culture pricing will have nominal decreases for the month of May.

Grains / Oil

USDA reporting helped push the soybean oil market lower as stocks are seen as flat, while soybean planting is ahead of average, but cash values for soybean oil have increased. Canola values have increased with fewer reported seed stocks. Palm moved lower last week, keeping in step with soybean oil, and increased stocks.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both US and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on US market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Market has remained steady as supply is meeting demand. Quality is good. White asparagus is limited.

Brussels Sprouts

Extremely light supplies. Expecting lighter numbers through the duration of this month and well into June before we see improved production.


Market is starting to settle on both broccoli and baby broccoli as the weather gets back to historical norms.

Cabbage – Red & Green

The market is active with some quality issues reported as Oxnard ramps up.

Cauliflower Alert

Markets coming down, however it’s a mixed bag with growers, some have limited supplies and some with extra volume. Expecting this to yo-yo through June.


The market started to rise quickly with supplies increasingly tight, as Oxnard production is dwindling. Expect supplies to improve in a couple of weeks.

Cilantro & Parsley

Cilantro supplies and quality are good, no issues expect this week or next. Parsley for Curly remains snug but seems to be meeting demand, flat is short and having trouble meeting demand.

Green Beans

West Coast remains limited with the change in regions. It is expected to be roughly two weeks until we could see improved supply. East coast supplies a little better, market declining, expect better availability next week as more growers start up in Georgia.

Green and Red leaf, Boston lettuce Alert

Green and red leaf supplies have improved, and the market is reacting down with better volume.


Overall good supplies with very few supply disruptions. The market remains steady.


This market is showing some strength as excessive rain in South Texas has stopped product from that area. We are now transitioning into Southern California and Southern New Mexico. Demand is currently outpacing these two newer growing regions.


West coast green bell pepper harvest is fully underway with good yields and good quality. Colored bells later start but Mexican supplies are steady, market is steady for now. East – Green bells supply light, quality good market high on retail sizes and a little lower on off grades. Red and yellow bells are short in Florida.


Supplies are very light at 40-50 ct and moderate at 60 – 70 ct. 80’s and smaller are seeing better volume. Quality remains good with steady pricing.

Snow/Snap Peas

Market remains firm on moderate supplies on both snap and snow. Quality reported as good to very good.


Markets are escalating on all varieties both east and west. Out east, we are seeing a reduction in overall supply due to the heat out of Florida. Out west, availability out of Mexico is reduced due to the growing region winding down.



The market a bit higher, the size curve continues to favor 48s and larger. Smaller fruit 60’s and smaller expected to see the largest market increase this week.

Citrus – Alert

Lemons – Central Valley is peaking large fancy, 115/95/75. Suppliers are targeting smaller fruit from the Coast to complement the Central Valley. Small sizes are tightening up. 140ct & smaller are getting short supplies.

Oranges – Navel size structure is starting to shift. Current peak is a 72/88, grading heavier into choice. Active market on 88s,113s & 138s with rising prices.

Limes – Alert Overall size of the lime crop continues to get a little bigger each week, with most fruit entering the US in the 175-230ct size range. Harvest of 150cts, and 110ct remain very limited.


The next two weeks supplies are extremely short. New crop green grapes from Mexico should start ship by the end of next week and Reds the end of the following week. The market remains extremely high.


Supply is very tight and will continue for the next 2 – 4 weeks. Demand is strong due to very good quality and tight supply. Expecting better supplies week 22 and will see peak in volume through week 26 followed by drop in mid-summer.