May 26, 2023

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Market Headlines

Soybean Oil

Soybean oil futures moved nearly 8% lower last week with private crop reporters reporting increasing stock levels.


Fed cattle supplies are extremely current, and so long as processing speeds remain at least steady with their current pace, an overabundance of market—ready cattle is not in the market’s immediate future.


The domestic shrimp season has kicked off in Louisiana for in shore of off-shore fishing beginning May 1.


Shell Egg markets continue to rebound, moving higher this week. Cheese markets down this week. Butter markets up this week despite strong supplies. Cream and culture pricing will have nominal increases for June, West Coast Markets are slightly down.

Grains / Oil

Soybean oil futures fell almost 8% last week as traders sold their long positions. This move was based on government data where stocks are reportedly stronger. This resulted in a downward pressure on both canola and palm oil throughout the week. Corn, wheat, rice, and soybeans all experienced a decline in trading. Beans and corn oil saw significant decreases, whereas soybean oil witnessed an increase.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both U.S. and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on U.S. market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Steady market with multiple regions now in production. Size peaking to standard/medium with jumbo lighter in supply.

Brussels Sprouts

Extremely light supplies. Expecting lighter numbers through the duration of this month and well into June before we see improved production.

Cabbage – Red & Green

Market active on very short supplies of red cabbage and demand exceeds supply. Desert has wrapped up and Salinas sizing is too small and not there yet.


Market has been dropping with good supply out there this week, and demand has been light.

Celery – Alert

Market very strong as Oxnard volume winds down with lower yields. Expect demand to exceed supplies for several more weeks.

Cilantro & Parsley

Market creeping up on curly parsley and a little more so on Italian parsley. Curly Parsley most growers are meeting demand, Italian parsley is struggling to meet the demand.

Green Beans Alert

West Coast remains limited with the change in regions. It is expected to be roughly two weeks until we could see improved supply. East coast supplies a little better, market declining, expect better availability next week as more growers start up in Georgia.

Green and Red Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine Alert

Green and red leaf supplies have improved, and the market is reacting down with better volume.


Overall good supplies with very few supply disruptions. The market remains steady.


Market has been very active this week. Expect this to continue through the holiday weekend. More volumes coming out of New Mexico next week. Quality in California and New Mexico is excellent. These two areas are struggling to keep up with current demand.


Weather is applying pressure to west coast supply; market is on the increase. Quality reported hit and miss as desert color harvest starts. East – Green bells supply better, quality is good, and market a little lower. Red and yellow supplies is very short from Florida.


Supplies are very light at 40⁠–50 ct and moderate at 60⁠–70 ct. 80’s and smaller are seeing better volume. Quality remains good with steady pricing.

Snow/Snap Peas

Market remains firm on moderate supplies on both snap and snow. Quality reported as good to very good.


Markets continue to escalate on all varieties due to lack of availability out of Florida due to the Ruskin/Palmetto growing region wrapping up. Markets will remain escalated for 2⁠–3 weeks until crown picking starts out of North Florida / South Georgia.



Light volume arriving in the U.S. again this week. 60’s and larger markets are stronger. Mexican fruit has high dry matter which causes fruit to ripen quickly.

Citrus – Alert

Lemons – Central Valley is peaking large fancy, 115/95/75. Suppliers are targeting smaller fruit from the Coast to complement the Central Valley. Small sizes are tightening up. 140ct & smaller are short in supplies.

Oranges – Current peak is a 72/88, grading heavier into choice. Sizing is much better than early on and now we are pushing more 72’s larger and we are tight with rising prices on small fruit.

Limes – Alert Lower demand causing lower prices, still seeing issues with limited volume on large sizes 110’s/150’s, heavier volume on 230’s/250’s/200’s, current weather of rain and high temperature impacting fruits growth and they are not gaining size as expected.


All color of grapes continue to be in a demand exceeds supply situation. New crop volumes have not come on yet. This situation is expected to continue through June 11, 2023.


Supplies continue to be tight with lack of rain in Costa Rica. Volume was set to increase in week 22⁠–26 but that is being tempered by growers due to the lack of rain.