Market remains active as supplies are still short. Mexico still in transition, Peru is beginning to improve, and we have domestic supplies that should come on in the next week or so, which should help to settle the market.
MX- The size curve is peaking on 48ct /60s #2 fruit is making up 15-20% of the pack. Current crop outlook is for tight supplies until the end of the season in late June. CA-In peak season with harvest increasing each week. The size curve is heavy to 48s and smaller.
Broccoli & Cauliflower
Good supplies to meet demand needs for both broccoli and cauliflower.
Brussel Sprouts
Market continues active with lower supplies being reported. Unsettled markets for the next 7-10 days
Shredded carrots, rainbow shredded carrots and 2 in peeled carrots are now short in supply in addition to shortages on snack pack and jumbo carrots out of California. Carrot sticks for some also remain a challenge with the main carrot processor only packing a 2-inch stick, instead of a 4-inch stick.
Cabbage and Bok Choy
Market is active with less overall supplies available. Active markets for the next 7-10 days.
Green Beans–Alert
Mexico very limited volume as season ends, quality fair and Coachella starting in a very small way. Market active. Florida – Bean supply extremely limited as South Florida finishes up and transitions North, current production gap. Markets extremely active.
Iceberg, Leaf and Romaine
Stronger markets being seen this week with good demand on all leaf lettuces, romaine, romaine hearts and iceberg lettuce.
Market active, more so in Texas as they are in transition to the central region and experiencing on and off rain which is impeding harvesting and adding market pressure. S California volume is picking up as new crop continues to come on.
Parsley is being challenged with quality issues causing lighter supplies and stronger markets. Heavy seeder is being seen for some suppliers.
Peppers – Chilies Alert
Florida Hot pepper supply scattered, quality good, and markets strong for most varieties. Mexico moderate supplies with good demand.
Peppers – Red, Yellow, Green Alert
Florida green bells steady for now but will look to start to decrease as Florida finishes up and Georgia begins. Red and yellow bells are short supply. Mexico – Nogales winding down, should finish shipping from there in 10-14 days at most. Coachella green bells now in production, with reds and yellows to start in about 2 weeks. Baja MX slowly winding down with reds and yellows.
Eastern supplies continue to improve out of Central FL. Crown picking continues to yield larger sized round fruit. Mexico continues to have a steady supply on all rounds, grapes, & cherries. Roma market remains active.