Mexican transition and limited Peru volume due to El Nino weather have created an increasing market. Quality is excellent out of both regions. Market active.
Market coming down as volume improves and demand remains moderate.
Broccolini/Baby Broccoli – Alert
Supplies have been significantly impacted due to quality issues in the field reducing yields. Expect to be in a demand exceeds supplies for another week or two.
Supplies are just covering demand. Market softer but expect it to remain active as we close in on transition. Suppliers subbing sizes to try and fill orders.
Good supplies and market is steady to softer. No issues with quality. Look for this to continue for the next couple weeks.
Cilantro and Parsley supplies and overall quality look good. Market is holding mostly steady for both.
Lettuce & Romaine
Market is trending lower in pricing and looks to be leveling out with better supply on lettuce. Good volume on Romaine, market steady as we head towards the transition. Romaine Hearts, market steady to softer.
Growers are dealing with a two-week gap on brown mushrooms and supply disruption on brown mushrooms can be expected over the next two to potentially three weeks. The overall market remains steady.
Northwest harvest is now complete. Onion quality is excellent, and we expect a good strong storage season.
Peppers Red & Yellow – Alert
East – Green pepper supply much lighter, demand strong, quality good, and market will remain high for Georgia season. Red and Yellow bells are short supply. West – Greens in flux with desert start predicted in a week to two and Mexico delay causing shorter supply. Reds out of coastal region off peak as Baja ramps up. Yellow supply meeting demand.
Supplies are very good as supplies are coming in right from the field. Sizing and quality are looking good this year. Prices has begun to stabilize.
Snap Peas
Supplies are extremely light, and demand is stronger and exceeds supplies. Salinas region is winding down and we are 2–3 weeks away before Mexico production comes on.
East – Zucchini and yellow squash supply steady, quality is good and markets steady. Moving well at current prices. West – Good supplies, market lower, quality good.
Markets remain steady on all varieties both east and west. Markets will improve through October as volume out of Florida increases.