October 28, 2022

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Market Headlines


Landings of head-on shrimp for peeling have slowed greatly in Texas and Louisiana. Headless Whites 10/15, 16/20, and 21/25 are still being landed but have slowed.


The chicken market continues to drop on almost all offerings. Slowing demand and bigger birds are helping to contribute to excess supply on the market.

Avian Influenza

There are no current avian influenza outbreaks to report for laying chickens.


Shell egg pricing is increasing again as demand picks up and supplies tighten. Butter markets are steady as the end of holiday buy season nears. Cheese markets mostly steady as supplies are in good balance on Blocks, some tightness remains on Barrels.

Grains / Oil

Soybean oil shot up last week on news of low supply for both soybean oil and soybeans. Difficultly remains with Mississippi logistics moving from barge to rail. Canola moved sideways as their crop is nearly 100% complete. The crop looks good, but inconsistent across the growing region. Palm moved higher in step with soybean oil.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both US and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on US market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Market stronger. Mexico continues with very light supplies. Peru arrivals are steady but limited on larger sizes to move West. Supply issues expected for the next 2-3 weeks, in particular Jumbo and XL sizes in the West.

Cabbage – Green & Red

Supplies increasing, the pricing has dropped slightly but remains strong, higher on red than green.

Cauliflower Alert

Market still active, supplies dropped again this week and demand picked back up and drove the market higher.


Market mostly steady on good supplies.

Cucumbers Alert

East – Extremely tight, weather conditions have slowed growth down significantly. West – Strong demand and very limited supplies.

Eggplant Alert

Western supplies are extremely limited from both California and Mexico. Eastern supply shorter as cooler weather has reduced yields.

Green Beans

Supplies increasing and market falling slightly, but still at very high levels. Market expects to remain at high levels for several more weeks.

Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine

Markets remain high on all varieties, leading to extreme demand exceeds supplies. New growing regions have started but supplies from those areas is not enough to meet the demand.


Market active and we are still in a demand exceeds supply situations and will continue potentially through the holidays. Labor, compost issues resulting in reduced yields continues to plague this category.


The onion market has settled and will be stable over the next few weeks on all colors.

Peppers – Red & Yellow – Alert

Eastern green bell pepper supplies are shorter and extremely short in the West, with stronger markets. Red and yellow bells very short in the East and West.


The market is stronger this week as processors and fryers are out buying up product intended to go fresh market. Field reports are coming in and overall, this crop looks to be shorter than last year and heavier to smaller size russets.


East Coast – Zucchini and yellow squash supply better; quality is good, and markets are a little lower.
West Coast – Good supplies of zucchini and yellow squash for the next 10 days from Mexico. With cooler weather production could slow down a bit. Quality is very good.

Tomatoes – Alert

Markets continue to be on alert status for all varieties due to lack of availability from recent hurricanes/tropical storms. Supply is getting worse and not expected to improve until January.

Field Tomato – Every major tomato growing area has been hurt by Hurricanes/Tropical Storms. Tomato markets will remain unstable & on alert through January, with Rounds, roma, cherry, and grapes all affected.



Peru is out of the market, so all the demand has shifted back to Mexico. Growers are feeling the demand on size 48’s and larger so pricing looks to firm up on these sizes.

Citrus – Alert

Lemons – Lemon supplies are improving as new crop volume increases. These are mostly fancy mid sizes. Old crop is still being packed in mostly choice grade and smaller sizes.

Oranges – Navels have started with some packers. The sizing is very heavy to 113-138 ct with 88 and larger being very limited. Most of the fruit is fancy grade.

Limes– Expecting less volume harvested in the next two weeks, better volume in the mid sizes 200’s/175’s. Expect limited volume into December.


Good availability and prices are mostly steady.

Strawberries – Alert

Strawberries are still in a demand exceeds scenario, still not enough supply to cover current demand. The market continues to be very active.