Market continues to be elevated compared to historical time periods but is on the decline. Supplies have improved.
Market a little active and up a bit as supplies are lighter this week as yields are down with some quality issues at the field level.
Brussel Sprouts
Market will continue to remain strong into this coming week with no significant changes in the supply picture.
Cabbage – Green & Red
Supplies and quality good on both red and green. Market a little higher on green and lower on red.
Market still holding a bit higher as we have a mix with growers, some in the industry are still lighter on volume. Subbing sizes noted with some growers.
The market is creeping up. Supply is good, but yields are impacted by some quality issues at the field level.
Supplies of cilantro are a little tighter parsley are good this week, moderate demand and the market steady. Product is showing occasional seeder however overall good quality.
Eggplant – Alert
East – Eggplant supplies light, quality is good, demand good, and market moving well at current prices.
West – Very limited supplies, possible prorates until weather improves.
Green Onion – Alert
Demand is strong and the market a little firmer. The heat and storm damages have affected supplies and Mexico will be short for the next 4-6 weeks or longer.
Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine
Market on lettuce fairly steady and overall quality is good. Romaine supplies are good, and quality fair to good with high seeder and fringe burn noted in some fields, market mostly steady, hearts trending higher.
Northwest harvest continues with good volumes of yellows. Red availability has improved greatly, and whites are becoming more plentiful every day. Quality remains excellent. The overall market is steady.
Peppers – Chilies
East – Supplies are light, demand stronger, quality is good and markets steady.
West – Serrano supply is good with other items limited. Should see more availability by weekend.
Peppers – Red & Yellow – Alert
East – Green pepper supply is light, demand good, and quality very good. Red and yellow bells are in extremely short supply.
West – Green supply is good, red is steady and yellow remains limited.
East – Zucchini and Yellow squash supplies are better, quality is very good, and market a little lower with new areas starting; demand good.
West – lighter supplies, quality fair. Volume expected to improve in the next two weeks.
Round and roma markets are increasing due to declining availability both east and west. Grape and cherry markets continue to improve with increased availability and normal demand.