Cooler weather in Peru has helped production but arrivals still are not meeting historical shipments. Both east and west markets are still declining.
Market is higher as volume continues to be light and demand increases. Overall quality and appearance are good.
Broccolini/Baby Broccoli – Alert
Supplies have been significantly impacted due to quality issues in the field reducing yields. Expect to be in a demand exceeds supplies for a few weeks.
Brussels Sprouts
Market will continue to remain strong into this coming week with no significant changes in the supply picture.
Cabbage – Green & Red
Supplies and quality good on both red and green. Market is mostly steady on both.
Market steady to softer with 9 ct supplies a bit lighter but demand is also soft. Quality is reported as good.
Market is active. Supplies are steady but demand is picking up, putting pressure on market pricing. Quality remains good.
Market steady on Italian parsley with good supplies, Curly parsley is snug and Cilantro supplies remain tight on stronger demand.
Green Onion – Alert
Demand is strong and the market keeps creeping up. Mexico will be short for through October. Demand is expected to exceed supplies. Quality is fair to good.
Lettuce & Romaine
Market active on lettuce as quality issues are impacting yields. Romaine supplies are good, and quality fair to good with high seeder and fringe burn noted in some fields, market mostly steady, Romaine hearts trending higher.
Favorable harvest conditions prevail in the Northwest. All colors are now readily available. The overall market remains steady.
Peppers – Red & Yellow – Alert
East – Green pepper supply is lighter, demand is good, and the market is moving up. Yellow bells are light in short supply. Reds are showing improved volume. West – Green supply is trending down, Jumbo and XL will be impacted by next week.
Supplies are very good as supplies are coming in right from the field. Sizing and quality are looking good this year. Prices are lower.
Snap Peas
Supplies are very light, and demand is stronger and exceeds supplies. Better availability looks to be a few weeks away.
East – Supplies and quality are good. Market is lower. Demand is good. West – Three districts harvest should provide ample supplies, quality is reported as good. Market is on the decline.
Out east, supply is stable with good quality fruit coming out of TN and the eastern seaboard. Out west, northern California supply continues to improve. Supply out of Mexico is also steady with no issues being reported.