September 30, 2022

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Market Headlines


PRIME,  CAB  PRIME,  CAB graded products continue to be very difficult to find; this is driving a “mixed” price tone. As Select and No Roll grade percentages are experiencing downward pricing pressure.


Current impact of the fall outbreak of Avian Influenza continues to keep markets on edge. Egg supply remains tight. We continue to see significant increases in markets resulting in higher costs for shell eggs.


Shell eggs markets continue to rise due to AI concerns and tightening supply. Butter markets slip, but still remain high due to tight supply heading into holiday season. Cheese markets remain steady as tight milk production continues to put upward pressure on markets.

Grains / Oil

Many market events pushed soybean oil lower: Weak exports, falling equity markets, better US dollar, weaker palm markets, and good harvest activity. Canola harvest is more than 50% done, but EPA allowing Canola for biofuel is one step closer to reality, pushing Canola higher. Palm is lower with higher stocks.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both US and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on US market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Market softer with Mexico coming on with increased volume. East market steady Peru arrivals are steady but expect delays with arrivals in the East due to the storm.

Cabbage – Green & Red

Red market flat, Green firmer. US supplies Red steady, Green remains tight likely for a few more weeks.

Cauliflower Alert

Market jumped very quickly last week and continues this week, due to very short supply, and challenges on sizing.

Cilantro Alert

Market higher, supplies remain very light driven by the recent weather patterns that plagued the area.

Cucumbers Alert

Market remains high in the West with limited supplies arriving from Baja, MX. In the East supplies are ok but market could firm up as the storm passes through.

Eggplant Alert

Western supplies are limited. Volume will decrease in Central CA but expect crossings into Nogales from Mexico in the next 2 weeks. Eastern supply is strong, and demand is low.

Green Beans Alert

Market is active and weather continues to create production gaps limiting supplies in current growing regions, market expected to firm up with the impending storm out East.

Green Onions

Market remains firm and supplies are still very light but improving, however production volume is still not enough to meet all the demand.

Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine

Markets remain high as less acres are available to pack, and sizing is a challenge as many fields are harvesting early, leading to smaller sizes/lower weights.


Previous weather conditions continues to put pressure on farms as some are struggling to keep up with demand and filling orders.

Onions – Alert

Markets are mostly steady with a weak undertone. The harvest will continue another month; however, the sizing profile continues to remain heavy to smaller onions.

Peppers – Red & Yellow – Alert

Eastern green bell pepper supplies are shorter with stronger markets. Red and yellow bells nonexistent in the East and very light in the West. Expect markets to remain high until Mexico production starts.


The market is starting to come off. The 60-70 ct is starting to adjust down. The 40ct and 50ct are still limited and dropping at a slower rate. Washington market softer, with good supply.


East–Zucchini and Yellow squash in good supply, but weather could impact growing regions, and pressure the market higher. West– supplies are light but should see improvement as product from Mexico increases.

Tomatoes – Alert

The round tomato market is active due to past wet weather events. Grape, cherry, and Roma markets are active and expected to firm up.

Expecting the storm hitting Florida will have a long-term impact to availability.



Market expected to firm up on 48 count and larger fruit as Peruvian arrivals start to drop.

Cantaloupe & Honeydews

Both melons are in a demand exceeds supplies situation with honeydews slighter better in supply.

Citrus – Alert

Lemons: Markets are higher as supplies are lighter due to growing area transition and high temps.

Oranges: Markets are strong with limited supplies of 88/138cts. CA Valencia crop is waning. New crop Navels are roughly a month away leaving a potential for a gap in availability.

Lime: Weather issues remain with frequent rain however; availability is improving as we inch into the new crop. Mostly 175ct and smaller available with some 110/150ct.

Strawberries – Alert

Continuing inclement weather in the primary growing regions has created a demand exceeds supply situation expect very limited supplies throughout the week and going into next week. Markets are increasing.


Supplies are starting to improve; however, demand remains high, keeping market higher than normal.