February 14, 2025

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Market Headlines


The cutout will continue to soften this week. Most of the decreases come from the outside cuts and 50% trim. Upper 2/3 light ribs, strips, hanging tenders and peeled outside skirts continue to be in tight supply.


Shell egg markets are up this week and California eggs are flat except for mediums which are up. Bird flu continues to take a significant toll on production, with more than 46 million layers and pullets lost to the virus since mid–October. The Block & Barrel are up. Butter is down.

Grains / Oil

The soybean oil futures market had a large selloff early last week as Canadian tariffs were halted temporarily. But by week’s end, the market had bounced back. There are many market characteristics helping to support soybean oil. Dry Argentinian weather, palm moving higher, and the looming tariffs for Canola.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both U.S. and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on U.S. market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Great growing weather in Mexico has increased volume and pricing reflects. Peru continues to close fields and will not be in play until late March, early April. Mexican quality is excellent.

Bell Peppers

East – Green supplies are plentiful, quality excellent, demand fair to good, market steady. Red are in good supply, quality is excellent, demand is good, and the market is increasing. Yellow supplies steady, quality good, market is increasing.

West – Steady production with good quality, better availability on color peppers.


Market is softer as supplies begin to improve with warmer temps. Quality is reported as fair to good.


Market is a bit softer as supplies begin to improve with warmer temps in the desert. Quality is reported as good.


Market mostly steady with good supplies and demand. Quality is reported as good.

Cilantro/ Parsley

Market is steady on Cilantro and parsley with moderate to good demand. Supplies are lighter for both from the recent cold weather, but most growers are keeping up with demand. Quality reported as fair for cilantro and fair to good on the parsleys.

Lettuce Iceberg

The market is a bit lower as we start to move past the impact from the colder weather which was impacting yields. Quality is reported as good.

Lettuce Romaine

The market is softer, with ok supplies expected into next week on Romaine. Hearts steady currently. Quality is reported as fair to good on both.


Supplies are good and are expected to hold through spring. Whites are lighter in supply this season. Demand has slowed on all colors. Quality has been good, with good sizing. Prices are lower on all colors.

Potatoes – Russets

Supplies are good and look to be so through the season. Sizing is heavy to large with most growers being lighter on small sizes. Quality is good. Markets are holding steady.


East – Supplies are good, quality is good, demand is good, and the market is decreasing on yellow and steady on zucchini.

West – Surplus volume of zucchini. Yellow supply meeting demand, and markets are steady.


Round, Roma, grape, and cherry markets remain stable with good availability and quality both east and west. Quality is good on all varieties.




Mexico supplies are tight, quality is fair to good, demand is good, and the market is increasing. Slower production and stronger demand is rapidly driving the market up. Limited supplies on 48’s and larger. California supplies tight, quality and demand is good, and the market is increasing. Limited harvesting expected due to rain.


Supplies are light but demand is getting covered. Some riping bananas are behind and shipping greener fruit. 150 Ct petites are limited from some.


Lemons – Supplies are good, quality is excellent, demand is good, and the market remains mostly steady. D3 has a month to go and D1 just starting and peaking on 140, 115, and 165s.

Oranges – Supplies are good, quality is excellent, demand is good, and the market is steady. Peaking 72s, 88s and 56s.

Limes – Supplies are steady, quality is fair to good, demand is fair to good, and the market is steady.


Supplies are lighter from California due to rain and cold temps. Florida and Mexico due to crops cycling down and border delays. Quality is good except CA post rain this weekend. Markets are higher.


Supplies are tight, quality is fair to good, demand is strong, and the market is increasing. Expect supplies to remain limited for at least the next 6 weeks.