Mexican production is lower due to cold, Peru transition has slowed production. Market has adjusted due to end of holiday pull but is expected to rebound with lower supplies.
Bell Peppers
East – Green bell supplies are improving, quality is excellent, demand is low, and the market is decreasing. Red and yellow bell supplies are tight, quality is good, demand is strong, and the market is holding strong. Western availability of green has improved, market is lower, color peppers are limited.
Market is softer and settling on improved supplies, with quality reported as good to very good.
Market is softer and settling on improved supplies and moderate demand, with quality reported as good.
Supplies holding steady and market remains steady at the current elevated levels. Overall quality is good.
Cilantro/ Parsley
Market is steady on both Cilantro and parsleys with moderate to good demand. Some occasionally yellowing noted for both, but overall quality is good.
East – Corn out of Florida is extremely tight; hitting planting gap, and markets are very high.
West – Desert corn is finishing, with Nogales ramp up increasing into next week.
Green Beans
East – Supplies are better, quality good, demand good and the market is steady
West – Steady market, with increasing supplies.
Lettuce Iceberg
The market is starting to settle and mostly steady, with good supplies expected into next week. Quality is reported as good.
Lettuce Romaine
The market is starting to settle and mostly steady, with good supplies expected into next week on Romaine. Market on Hearts is lower on improved production. Quality is reported as good on both.
Supplies are a little lighter this week until packing gets caught up from the past short production weeks. This will improve by next week. Whites are lighter in supply this season. Demand is good on all colors. Quality has been good, with good sizing. Prices are steady.
Potatoes – Russets
Supplies are a little lighter this week due to the past two short production weeks. This will improve by next week. The sizing is heavy to large with most growers being lighter on small sizes. Quality is good. Prices are steady.
East – Zucchini and yellow squash supplies are steady, quality is fair to good, demand strong and the markets are increasing.
West – Improving supplies and quality. Market is lower for zucchini and steady for yellow squash.
Tomato market has improved on all varieties (round, roma, grape, & cherry). Markets are no longer in alert status due to additional availability out of FL & MX. Markets will continue to improve through the month of January.