Market expected to strengthen with cold weather trends in Mexico and unrest in Peru. Quality is good from all regions with larger sizes limited from Mexico.
Market steady to stronger as supplies continue to struggle on broccoli. Baby broccoli is in a demand exceeds supplies with some suppliers.
Market is still firm, and supplies continue to struggle. Market could become active is demand starts to show any strength.
Market firm and supplies are tight. Cooler temperatures in Yuma will affect harvest and keep this market active.
Celery – Alert
Extremely tight everywhere. Market continues to firm up as demand exceeds supplies. Low yields to impact production volume.
Parsley supply is short and not meeting demand. Cilantro market is steady, but supplies are snug.
East – Cucumber supply good, demand a little weaker, and market is trending lower. Cold weather is expected and will drive the market higher. West – Market has slightly decreased, demand is steady.
East – – Eggplant supply lighter, demand better and market a little stronger. Pending cold weather will make this market active. West – Market a little stronger on ok supplies, with 18ct on the lighter side.
Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine
Improved supplies, although with cooler daytime temps and morning ice delays volume will ramp up slowly. Market has softened some and continues to do so yet with the slow increases in volume pricing expected to move down slowly as well.
Supplies continue to improve, and the market remains steady.
Market is mostly steady on all colors. Supplies are steady and keeping pace with demand.
Peppers – Alert
Green bell supply steady and market moving very well. Market expected to get active with the pending colder weather. Cooler temperatures in Mexico slowing down production and Red and Yellow bells are extremely short supply and higher markets expected through December.
Supplies are light this season. Packers are already limiting packing times to stretch the season out to the end. Volume is very limited on 40 70 ct.
Spring Mix/Spinach
Market is steady and demand is moderate on Spinach. Arugula supplies have started to improve, but specialty blends remain short in supply.
East – Florida squash is steady. Zucchini remains abundant. Cooler weather could impact supplies and market. West Coast – Good quality and plentiful supplies currently available, the market is steady.
Tomatoes – Alert
Round and roma tomatoes continue to improve with increased availability. Grape and cherry markets will remain elevated due to low availability. Markets will continue to improve through the month of January.