February 18, 2022

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Market Headlines


Grinds continue to struggle with the lack of available cows to cull, driving lighter supplies. Another is the lack of import material entering the US as logistics remain difficult through the ports.


On February 11th Avocado shipments to the US from Mexico were halted due to safety concerns for inspectors. We continue to wait for an update of when the situation is expected to be resolved. Market is UNSETTLED.


The new Mahi-mahi fishing season has ended in South America. The 2021/22 catches are dismal and below average, resulting in higher raw material costs with reduced landings.




Butts are relatively steady going into next week. Boneless butts seem to show more availability across the market. Bellies are holding firm even with low demand from retail on bacon. Spareribs moved up for next week while St. Louis and backribs are trading sideways. Trimmings continue on their rise as demand is holding up. Hams are seeing increased demand from export markets.


The block and barrel markets are up slightly due to available inventories. The butter markets are up for the week due to tight milk supplies. The egg markets are down for the week due to a downturn in retail demand.

Grains / Oil

There was a slight break last week in the soybean oil market before it made an about face and moved higher toward the week’s end. Palm oil also moved slightly lower. Canola remains firm and with half the quantity of seed left vs. last year, we can expect higher Canola values.

To learn more contact your local Sales Consultant. Market Corner Produce information reflects both US and Canadian markets. All other commodity information is based on US market data only.

Produce Market Updates



Market active with short supplies due to cold impacting the crowns and slowing production. Anticipating shortages for a few weeks.

Avocados –Alert

On February 11th Avocado shipments to the US from Mexico were halted due to safety concerns for inspectors. We continue to wait for an update of when the situation is expected to be resolved. Market is UNSETTLED for now with active conditions and limited supplies on the horizon.

Broccoli & Baby Broccoli

Supplies out of CA, AZ and Mexico are improved this week with good supply to meet all demand.

Brussels Sprouts

Good availability on conventional and organic sprouts. Markets continue to adjust as they come down from the previous elevated market conditions.


Carrot suppliers remain at max capacity on their snack pack carrots and now jumbo carrots. Market will be shorter and limited in supply as a result. Expect very active carrot markets for the entire month of February.


Stronger markets this week as MX is short on cauliflower. Lower yields are also being reported out of CA and AZ.  Expect to see unsettled market conditions for the next 7-10 days.


Value Added-Processed (sticks, diced) celery is under and demand exceed supply situation due to capacity constraints. Relief not expected till the beginning of March.


Florida corn growers around the lake took a big hit with the cold weather last weekend. Growers are out harvesting corn that is in good condition, but short term does not look favorable for the balance of the winter crop.


Honduras volume has declined sharply, resulting in higher prices in Florida, quality has been hit and miss. Market will remain very short supply for another week at least. Mexico supplies tightening up due to supply gap and market is active and will remain active the next 2 weeks.


Florida supply very short on good quality eggplant, market, and demand strong. Anticipate short supplies in Florida until the new spring eggplant fields start. Mexico supplies tightening up due to gap limiting supplies. Market active and will remain active for the next 2 weeks. Expect market to remain active as the Lenten season is a couple weeks away and market will remain active through next month due to heavy demand.


Supplies of California garlic are starting to dwindle. The next harvest will be in late June and early July. With less CA garlic available, orders will look to be supplemented with garlic from Argentina, Spain, and Mexico, starting in mid-March through the time of the new harvest. Expect to see stronger markets starting at that time.

Hot House

Campari tomatoes short in supply and peppers are becoming snug due to cold weather.


Strong demand and active markets continue across the mushroom industry. Challenges remain with labor shortages, freight costs, lack of drivers, and peat moss shortages.  The industry does not see the conditions changing for the foreseeable future.


Northwest Onion market continues to show strength across the board, with Red and White onions limited, and fair quality.  Mexico crossing into Texas, market is firm with limited red volume starting to come in. Value Added/Processed Onions are in a demand exceed supply situation and all are being held to averages due to capacity issues coupled with supply concerns based on sizing issues of raw product.  This would apply to whole peeled, diced, sliced and slab processed yellow and red onions.

Peppers, red and yellow –Alert

Florida green bell supply plentiful for now but anticipate a shortage coming in 2-3 weeks. Quality has been good and demand better. Market getting stronger. Red and Yellow bells very short supply and market high. Mexico producing good supplies of green, quality good and demand increasing.  Colored bells will remain very short through late next week, lack of color and cooler temps.




Demand is good. Supplies are lighter due to colder than normal weather and low humidity in the tropics. Transportation is also negatively impacting volume


Lemons: Lighter volume is being seen on small choice.

Oranges: Sizing is lighter on 88, 113 and 138 counts and will continue to lighten thru the season.

Lime- Alert: Supply continues to be limited, specifically in smaller sizes 200’s through 230’s . Available volume is mainly in 110’s/150’s, demand is strong and higher prices expected for next week and for the next 2 weeks.


Import arrivals from Peru and Chile, have increased this week. All orders are expected to be filled in full going forward. The majority of product is still on the east coast with the West Coast increasing at a slower rate.