Market is higher with weather impacting supply from Peru and local domestic regions winding down. This will pressure Central Mexico supplies to keep up with the demand.
Brussels Sprouts
Supplies continue to be light, and demand exceeds current production on value added and bulk Sprouts. Expecting lighter numbers through the month.
Cabbage – Red & Green
Market high on short volume of red cabbage and demand exceeds supplies. Green supplies are better, and market is steady.
Steady supplies this week and the next. Market a little softer.
Celery – Alert
Market is active and still high. Oxnard numbers will continue to dwindle, and Salinas production is slow to ramp up, expect market to be unstable until Salinas settles into good production.
Cilantro & Parsley
Cilantro supplies are light and anticipating lower production over the next 2–3 weeks. Steady market on Parsley, some suppliers showing light seeder, but quality and supply still reported as good.
East – Georgia corn supplies are very tight going into the next 2–3 weeks with demand exceeding supplies. In the West good demand on moderate supplies, market is lower.
Green Beans – Alert
Central California has begun in a slow way. Volume remains light, pricing slightly lower. Expect at least a week for supplies to fill the pipeline. East – Supplies are good, demand is weak, quality is good and market low.
Lettuce & Romaine – Alert
Both lettuce and Romaine supplies remain strong, and the market is holding steady.
Market is active as we settle into the main two growing areas for the summer. Size profile remains smaller than normal. Quality is excellent in both locations. California and New Mexico.
Potatoes – Alert
Supplies are very light at 40–50 ct and moderate at 60–70 ct. 80’s and smaller are seeing better volume. Quality remains good with steady pricing.
Round market remains steady on XL/LG fruit, but small round fruit markets are strengthening due to declining volume. Roma markets are also strengthening due to reduced availability east and west. Grape and cherry markets remain stable.