Asparagus – Alert
Peak supplies for the season reported out of Mexico and Miami arrivals from Peru have this market decreasing. Jumbos and Extra Large continue lighter in supply. Quality reported good from all regions.
Supplies are snug and demand is strong, market trending higher.
Broccolini / Baby Broccoli
Broccolini continues with extremely short supplies as cold weather is impacting the growth, and with more rain forecast this will be demand exceeds supplies for several more weeks.
Cabbage – Green & Red
Red and Green cabbage continues with good supplies. Market trending softer.
The market remains elevated as most shippers are light in supply and not meeting demand. Supplies will likely be tight to the end of the Yuma season .
Cilantro & Parsley
Supplies still short on cilantro and not meeting demand. Parsley market steady on fair demand with good quality reported.
West coast demand and market steady, no expected changes for 10 days. Florida is harvesting with good availability of Bi- color and White. Market expected to decrease as supplies come on.
West coast supplies are strong, market trending down. East coast same with weak market as offshore and Florida supplies have market reacting with weaker markets.
West coast demand has lessened, market lower expecting good supply outlook for three weeks. East coast reacting to west coast availability. Market holding steady.
Overall good supplies with very few supply disruptions. The market remains steady.
Supplies in Northwest are dwindling. We are on track to finish by month end. Market is steady and S. Texas has plenty of Mexican products crossing. Texas product of USA will slowly become available this week and ramp up into next.
West market continues to be active with weak supplies and higher markets, outlook is calling for April before we see relief. East coast is showing limited supplies with good demand, higher market.
Demand is still light on all sizes except large 40-70 ct. which have strengthened. Packers have cut back production to 4 days per week to stretch the season.
Roma and XL round supply has decreased slightly while large rounds, grape, and cherry supply is steady out of both FLA and MX. The overall market is stable with adequate volume on normal demand.