Asparagus – Alert
Market remains mostly stable to lower. Very little product is coming from Mexico and it is expected this to continue for the next 10-14 days.
Product from Peru remains steady in a supply
Market remains steady with good supplies on #1 fruit; however, #2 fruit is a little tighter but expected to improve.
Beans – Green – Alert
Market is active and weather continues to create production gaps limiting supplies in current growing regions, especially on the West Coast.
Cabbage – Green & Red – Alert
US supplies steady on both red and green; however, red cabbage supplies could tighten up pushing the market up.
Markets stronger as suppliers start to see yields reduce and firm demand.
Steady supplies reported this week on cilantro with markets holding.
Cucumbers – Alert
Hurt by the recent tropical storms in the West, cucumbers are in a very critical situation with an estimated 60% loss of current acreage out of Baja Mexico. East Coast supplies are better but experiencing stronger demand.
Eggplant – Alert
East – Eggplant demand and supply steady. West Eggplant supplies will continue to be limited in an already very tight situation, the heat and rain in California are taking their toll on product.
Green Onions
Market remains in a critical demand exceeds supply situation. A hurricane this past weekend, disrupted supply, and quality even more. Shortages expected for at least 2 more weeks.
Iceberg, Leaf, and Romaine
The markets on iceberg, romaine, romaine hearts, and green leaf all remain in a demand exceeds supplies. After the heat this past weekend an into this week, we will see increases in puffy iceberg, internal burn, aphid pressure increasing and supplies dropping more than previously reported with all commodity and value- added packs are impacted.
A few suppliers continue to struggle with supplies as they are fighting the recent heat in the West. Markets this week reflect continuing supply struggles within the fresh mushroom industry.
Onions – Alert
Harvesting continues this week. Weather has also cooled off somewhat in onion territory. Onion size profile is on the smaller side this week, expect lower availability on Super Colossal and Colossal. Market is steady.
Peppers – Red & Yellow – Alert
East Coast – Red pepper market is strong, with active demand. Green peppers are steady with moderate demand. West Coast – Between the heat last week and rains over the weekend, market up on number one grade and off grades will follow. Growers continue to access recent damage.
Potatoes – Alert
Idaho market on larger counts continue to be strong due to demand exceeds supplies. The market on 80ct through 100 ct is seeing some decline.
Squash – Alert
East–Zucchini and Yellow squash supply strong in certain areas, quality good, and market lower. West– The zucchini and yellow squash category remained steady to a bit softer as supplies were flushing before this weekend’s rain. This market should start moving up again once the harvest resumes and the effects of the heat and rain are seen.
Tomato – Alert
Round supplies continue to remain limited due to high temps and previous rainfall; markets will continue to be elevated for several more weeks. Grape, Cherry, and roma markets remain stable both east and west.