Asparagus – Alert
Reports are that the hurricane and related water did not permanently damage asparagus in the Baja region, volume continues to be light. Larger sizes are shorter.
Market mostly steady with fair to good supplies. Some reports of hollow stem on crowns in a few lots which will impact yields coming out of the fields.
Brussels Sprouts
Market remains high as supplies remain tight as yields continue to be low. Quality is fair to good.
Cabbage – Green & Red
Supplies and quality good on both red and green. Market a little higher on green and lower on red.
Mostly steady market. Good supplies, sizing, and quality. Slightly higher market on 12s and 16s.
Cilantro/ Parsley
Supplies on both cilantro and parsley are improving and the market is a bit softer, with fair to good quality reported.
The market is steady. Supply is good, and overall volumes are looking good over the next few weeks.
Eggplant – Alert
East – Supplies light, quality is better and market stronger West- Limited volume, marginal quality.
Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine
Market on lettuce coming off a bit supplies look better this week and into next. Still some lighter weights reported but overall quality is good. Romaine supplies are good, and quality fair to good, market mostly steady.
WA and Idaho continue to be slowed down due to rain. Supplies are slowly ramping up in both regions and we expect good supplies by next week if we do not receive more rain.
Peppers – Chilies
East – Hot pepper supplies light, quality good and market strong; very good demand on all varieties at this time. West- Market is stable, and supply is good on jalapeno, weaker on other varieties.
Peppers – Red & Yellow – Alert
Green pepper supply is better and quality is good, demand strong, and market steady. Red and Yellow pepper are extremely short in the east and especially red’s in the West.
East – Zucchini and Yellow squash supplies light, quality very good and market is strong; more wet weather coming. West coast showing active market as summer harvest draws to an end and fall ramps up. Quality is reported as good.
Grape tomato availability remains on alert status due to previous wet weather the growing region has experienced. Round & Roma markets remain stable both east and west. Growers out east continue to watch Hurricane Idalia.